call ducks

  1. M

    Hello - I'm new here.

    I live in s.e.Ohio and have a few of several different breeds of bantams, chickens and ducks. We also have dozens of rabbits, a few goats and a dozen equine from 27"tall to 16 hh. Oh, yes, and dogs. I'm hoping to find chicks and hatching eggs here within an hour or so driving distance. I've...
  2. Fourwaldens

    Call duck swimming hole :)

    Our family just adopted 3 call ducklings (in addition to 4 chicks) and will be working on building their respective coops over the next 2-3 weeks. Due to the possibility of moving this summer we are making the coops to be easy for us to transport until we finalize our plans. For the ducks, how...
  3. Preschool Teacher

    Help Hatching Call Ducks

    Hi I'm Dee and new here and see so many people helping each other. I'm a preschool teacher and we hatch ducks and Call ducks each year while teaching the preschoolers about the life cycles. It's our favorite time of year and most stressful for me too. I currently have 18 Call ducks in my Brines...
  4. BackyardBantams79

    Eleven Calls Hatched!!!!

    I haven't had a lot of following on my other thread: Call Duck Hen failure to commit so I thought I'd just do a follow up post to share the results of the incubation attempt. After a few early deaths, a couple of infertiles, and one accidental egg cracking (incubator lid fell in), we've ran the...
  5. BackyardBantams79

    Call Duck Hen failure to commit

    Ok, so this is where I'm going to document the journey of so SOOOOO many firsts! To lay some foreground on my story, I am an animal addict, yet we live on the outskirts of town with neighbors literally close enough on both sides I could throw a rock at each house without much effort (not that I...
  6. strawberricatt

    Help Me LEGALLY Import Call Duck Eggs To New Zealand

    Okay, I know what I have to do, if you want to help, read this: Do I have to need the eggs for commercial purposes? In NZ I believe you can only import duck eggs from Australia, which is...
  7. Brentqu


    I have a female snowy call and my drake is mallard. I'm kinda stuck because from what I'm reading call ducks are hard to hatch. I'm hatching from a GQF 1502 temp at 99.5 and my humidity is around 54% until lock down. From what I'm reading call ducks need assistance hatching because of beak and...
  8. Welshies

    Interested in Call Ducks

    Hi there, So I currently raise quail, but they are attracting too many predators so this spring I am ducking out of raising them. I will be building a new coop out of my old one, though. Its original design was for quail- it's 4x8, like this: But, I want to raise something to put in that coop...
  9. My Ducks..

    My Ducks..

    For all my life I have had chickens.. All types of colors and sizes, But recently I've been eyeing some other animals I've wanting to add to my flock and so.. My dad and brother went and bought me 6 ducklings as a surprise. 5 turned out to be drakes and 1 turned out to be a hen.. What luck...
  10. CourtneyTartan

    One stray baby duck found. Not sure how it got here. No mother in sight.

    Hey guys, so this morning I found this one little baby duck roaming around the yard. No clue where he/she has come from as none of my call ducks are currently setting. The baby showed up without a mum. It's predominately black, black beak, black legs.. Unsure whether it's one of my calls or...
  11. MistressReborn

    Beginner in Breeding Call Ducks Help

    My family is all about chickens, we have a ton of them and actually just came back from a chicken show this weekend. I'm looking to move into actually breeding ducks though for quality, but all of my experience is in chickens. My grandfather is the biggest Serama breeder where I am and that's...
  12. L

    Call duck

    Hi ive raised two call ducks one male one female for 2 years sadley we woke up one morning to find the male had gone not sure if when my children closed hutch he got threw there legs and they locked the other one up not knowing he gotten out.but since he as gone the female will not eat and is...
  13. CourtneyTartan

    Just some photos of my cute new babies.

    Hey guys, just posting some images of my new call duck babies. enjoy :) As they grow I`ll probably keep posting photos here of them.
  14. CourtneyTartan

    How to tell if my Call Duck is setting/getting clucky

    Hey guys, so recently I`ve started with call ducks and they`ve started laying of late. I was wondering what the signs are of them going clucky/setting etc. She has about 9 eggs that she sits on for a while each day but then also comes off them for a while. She has leaves and sticks that she...
  15. B

    How do I teach my Call Ducks to go into their house at night?

    Hi all, I have two 20 week old Call Ducks who have a house on an island, which is situated in the middle of my pond. I've had them for a week now and every night I have to walk over to the island to put them into their house. They come out on their own in the morning and go in and out during the...
  16. C

    Baby call ducks

    Can anyone tell me what color type these 2 baby call ducks will be when they mature?
  17. oliverj102

    Hatching call ducklings

    hi there, I've got a pair of call ducks with mummy sat on 7 eggs just now. At least 3 are fertile as she payed 2 different nests over a week and I combined them. I read that call ducks are a 26 day hatching time so I've left mummy to it but I don't want her to hatch all 7 in the nest. The...
  18. oliverj102

    Hatching call ducklings

    hi there, I've got a pair of call ducks with mummy sat on 7 eggs just now. At least 3 are fertile as she payed 2 different nests over a week and I combined them. I read that call ducks are a 26 day hatching time so I've left mummy to it but I don't want her to hatch all 7 in the nest. The...
  19. emmallaub

    Saddled Air Cells.

    I'm a little bit stressed. It's day 10, I checked all my eggs and they all have some form of a saddle. They're developing fine but some aircells are worst than others and I don't know how to help. They're call duck eggs and I only have 7 developing right now and I just want one to hatch, but...
  20. Doobly

    Call Duck Hatching Eggs - Potential Ruptured Air Sacs

    Hi everyone, looking for a little bit of reassurance here! I've incubated before but I'm dealing with something new here - ordered some call duck eggs online. They arrived perfectly, in a polystyrene box, tightly packed, fragile tape all around it. Just what I'd expect, really. So perhaps...
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