button quail

  1. J

    Can someone help with Button Quail eggs

    I have recently got a pair of button quails about two weeks ago and they just started laying eggs. They have been together for about 2 weeks now and are 2 and a 1/2 months old but are currently not nesting on their eggs. I am wondering if those eggs are fertile and if not what should I do to...
  2. Murphy_the_Hooligan

    Button Quail eye Infection?

    I have a few buttonquail, one of which is a silver male. Back in April, when I was inexperienced, I kept my pair (silver male, brown female) with their offspring (brown male, brown female) in the same cage. The brown roo attacked my silver male and I thought he lost his eyes. The blood dried...
  3. spiffyvanspot

    Male button quail question...

    Hey! It's been so long since I've been on here! In September one of my button quail pairs hatched out a single baby (the others pipped and died ). In short, they were terrible parents and I ended up raising him. I'm pretty sure he is as tame as a button quail can be and I love him to death...
  4. TheCakeIsAWolf

    Abnormal wing growth in button quail chick.

    We recently hatched out some button quail chicks and all is going fairly well. One of the chicks has some interesting wing growth and I was wondering if it's some kind of deformity? If so is it genetic or a result of imperfect incubation/brooding conditions? Will self correct as the chick ages...
  5. Button Quail 123

    Button Quail Pair

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to know, should button quail that will be kept as a pair be from different clutches/batches of eggs? Can they be from the same clutch? Thanks for all the wonderful advice, Button Quail 123 :) P.S How do you do make all of the animated emojis/faces?
  6. Button Quail 123

    Is Game Bird Feed Suitable For Button Quail?

    Hello everyone! I was wondering:Is game bird feed suitable for button quail? I would supplement with crushed oyster shell for calcium and crickets or mealworms (every once and a while) for protein. Any other advice will be welcome. Thanks for answering all my newbie questions! :)
  7. Button Quail 123

    Advice on keeping Button Quail indoors?

    Hello everyone! I am new to Backyard Chickens with my account, but have been getting info on here previously. I just wanted to know some advice on keeping Button Quail (I love them!) indoors. So far, my planned setup is a 40 gallon breeder with aspen bedding, dishes for dust baths, water and...
  8. Button Quail 123

    Advice on keeping Button Quail indoors

    Hello everyone! I am new to Backyard Chickens with my account, but have been getting info on here previously. I just wanted to know some advice on keeping Button Quail (I love them!) indoors. So far, my planned setup is a 40 gallon breeder with aspen bedding, dishes for dust baths, water and...
  9. jannisol

    What is the best antibiotic?

    My button quail is sick so i was wondering what would be the best antibiotic for bacterial infection?
  10. Jannisol Sanchez

    Button quail medicine

    Does anyone know good button quail medicine. My buttons symptoms are fluffled up in a corner, shes sleeping a lot, and looks lethargic. please help.
  11. Jannisol Sanchez

    Egg bound button quail

    Hi everyone, my button quail has been egg bound now for 2 days and at this point i think shes given up. I put her in a warm bath and also but coconut oil in her bottom. I have felt the egg in her tummy and its bigger than i have ever seen before its honestly massive for her size. Does anyone...
  12. metapuns

    I need some advice about a button quail...

    I'm a major animal fanatic and I spend a lot of time browsing classified pet ads to see what pets people are rehoming. Today I found an ad for a supposedly 3 year old male button quail, alone, in an absolutely tiny tank, with a hamster wheel, bedding, and a food + water dish. He supposedly...
  13. AQuailNamedFrancis

    Male button quail aggression

    Hey anyone know why my male button quail just took a turn for the worse?? He does not bother his mate and he used to be very friendly with me. He would sometimes if he was in the mood let me touch him. Now I do anything like try and refill food, water or there sand bowl and he attempts to bite...
  14. Quincy Buttons

    Re-homing two male Button Quails in California

    Hello, I'm looking to re-home the two healthy adult male button quails that I have raised in the Bay Area (California). Recently, one of my females have passed away, leaving one of my males lonely. I have to go to college next year and I need help to give these guys a new home! They have been...
  15. strawberricatt

    First Time Broody Button Quail Questions!

    I have a female button quail who is around 9 months old and has gone broody. Currently she is housed in an aquarium with two storeys. She has gone broody in their little loft. She is housed with her mate and her brother(I know, it's not ideal, however no one nearby has females at the moment, and...
  16. P

    ISO: Tuxedo Button Quail

    I'm a new quail owner (recently hatched my first few quail over a week ago) and one color/pattern in particular that I was really hoping for were some tuxedos. I believe I have one tuxedo, that may end up being silver? What I'd love to find is a young pair of tuxedo button quails. The easier...
  17. 2 many chickens

    Button Quail eggs for sale

    Hello all, I'm currently selling my Button Quail's fertile eggs. I'm a seller on Ebay, if you are interested, PM or just reply here. I did not know where to post this. If this is the wrong forum, I aplogize. Price is $8.00 for 12. I ship with Usps 2 day shipping. Thank you and have a wonderful...
  18. P

    This is going to turn out badly, isn't it? [Egg hatching]

    First of all, let me start by apologizing for this really long post... I'm a first-time egg-anything hatcher. Never hatched an egg in my life, and never been around hatching eggs. I've only dealt with pre-hatched chicks that Tractor Supply sometimes sells in the late spring. So I've done some...
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