
  1. crunchygranola

    Thoughts on this plan?

    Hey, guys. I currently have six chickens, and I was planning to cull five of them. I wanted to keep the one that was most like a pet to me, but add in other chickens for variety. I was thinking about raising baby chickens for six weeks until they’re old enough to go outside, and then cull the...
  2. Quail345


  3. M

    Favorite Duck Plucking Method?

    I am new to ducks and I was wondering what everyone's favorite plucking methods were. I have a homemade automatic plucker that works great for my chickens, but I'm not sure it'll work the same for the ducks. Just wanted to see what everyone else likes to use!
  4. Wandering_r0gue

    Butchering: first time complete ****GRAPHIC****

    So, I just butchered my first quail. I was planning on it eventually, but tonight it became necessary. As my newest hatch was getting older, I moved the hens into a pen with a solo older rooster... Discovered this evening when I got home that the rooster (named Duck) had quite savagely...
  5. T

    Processing Roosters...

    I'm processing three that are just under a year and have become very aggressive. I have unfortunately had to put it off for scheduling reasons and the weather hasn't been ideal this past week so they now have some sores on their feet from the crate I have them separated in getting a little...
  6. JesWith3

    Processing method question

    When processing quail, we cut the heads clean off and this is acceptable. When processing chickens, cutting heads off is less than desireable because...blood in the meat? Off taste, etc. Why and how so? Why do I never see people mentioning the use of very sharp sheers to quickly and humanely CUT...
  7. HensAndFriends

    Laying Hens Marek's Vaccinated: Safe to Butcher?

    My laying hens were Marek's vaccinated as chicks, so is it safe to butcher them? Aren't some commercial broilers vaccinated against Marek's?
  8. E

    Butcher a bird killed by a raccoon?

    I posted this in "Predators and Pests" but need answers quick so... A raccoon just got into my sister's backyard coop and killed one of her egg hens. We chased the raccoon off but the bird quickly died. She was not very mangled, a small amount of blood on the head is the only sign of injury...
  9. Gearhead846

    Growth on intestines??

    Hello all, I just had to Butcher my first chicken today and when I was pulling out the guts, I saw all these weird growths attached on the outside of the intestines. Is this normal? And should I be worried about it? TIA!!
  10. Gearhead846

    When do you butcher your chickens?

    Hello everyone, I am trying to find out when is the best time to butcher my chickens for the best meat, and most flavorful bird all together. TIA
  11. T

    To grow cornish hens what age do I butcher and when can I give them grower?

    I have Rhode Island Red chicks that are 4 weeks now. I hatched them myself. My homemade incubator worked! I hatched them for meat birds. I have considered having cornish hens. When can I switch from chick starter to grower food? Could I just give them the rest of the chick starter all the way...
  12. How to Knock a Chicken's Socks Off

    How to Knock a Chicken's Socks Off

    I've encountered a number of people, online and IRL, who find the idea of eating chicken feet disgusting -- both on the level of squeamish emotion, because while most chicken parts cut up don't much resemble a living chicken but feet always look like FEET -- and because they believe that chicken...
  13. S


    Hi Guys and Gals, I'm pretty new at raising chickens and figured Black Australorps would be the best starter...Needless to say, they have been incredible so far. Truth is, they're not pets and they are being raised for their eggs, but the day will come when we'll need to start thinking about...
  14. davidmpenning

    Processing 16 week old Roosters

    We have three roosters I’ve been trying to give away for over a month, and I can’t find anyone to take them. But we also don’t want them - one is a jerk, the other two aren’t the breeds we thought we were buying. And although we weren’t going to start meat birds until next year, it looks like...
  15. M

    RED BROILER ST RUNS...Processing Age?

    So, I purchased the red broilers on accident actually. I wanted broilers, but not reds. I'm not finding any answers on Google about how old to kill them. I have found 12 weeks for Red Rangers, but not for red broilers. Maybe it's the same thing. The roosters are getting bossy and kind of mean...
  16. ShrekDawg

    Butchering/gut photos

    So one of my cockerels suddenly came down with Mareks today (he was fine yesterday AFAIK) and could barely move so I had to put him down immediately. I decided to butcher him for the learning experience. I definitely learned a lot and as far as I could tell, he looked normal inside but I have...
  17. F

    Accidentally cut the crop

    Hey everyone! First time butchering one of my roosters and as I was doing it I believe I cut the crop (the balloon type thing on the esophagus) . I was wondering if I still removed it, if it is safe to still eat the chicken? It looked like there wasn't anything in the crop when it happened. Any...
  18. KikiDeAnime

    Tips for butchering/processing alone??

    Just found out that next year after raising the red rangers, I will have do all the butchering myself. For those who don't know, I'm getting 8-10 of them so that should give you an idea. We currently don't have a killing cone to use but I will be getting one soon. I will also have to do the...
  19. WatkinsCluckers

    Raising Meat Chickens

    I love the idea of selling meat chickens, but I hate the idea of physically killing them (ironic, I know). For y'all that sell chickens for meat, is there a common practice of raising the chickens to their appropriate age and then sending them all off to get butchered and dressed for you? Or do...
  20. ChickChic00

    Butchering Question

    Hi, first time I'm gonna butcher probably later today. If I just want the breasts, wings,Thighs and legs. Can I just cut those parts off? Instead of dealing with the guts and lungs and such?
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