
  1. Chickadooo

    A little about me and all of our pets! (Lots of pictures)

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes, we are new to chickens, although I did have chickens when I was an early teen. I wasnt much involved in their care. We just got chickens last Sunday. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 10 (3) What breeds do you have...
  2. P

    Help!! My cat got a baby cottontail

    I heard a baby cottontail screaming outside so I ran to go and grab it from my cats mouth, I've had her since last night and she is still breathing and alive. She hasn't moved since I got her.. I put her in my room in a tank with orchato grass Timothy hay pellets and shavings... She looks old...
  3. ShrekDawg


    Who has rabbits? Thinking of getting some after seeing (and holding) the adorable bunnies at farm day lol I've had one before and he was awesome but he was also caged cause I didn't really know better. Kind of want a free roam house bunny or at least an x pen one but not sure I have the room or...
  4. C

    Neutered Rabbit With An Unspayed Female?

    We have a 2 year old neutered bunny named coyote, who lives in a hutch and run outdoors. He is played with less in the winter, so we think he would benefit from having a friend. Which brings me to the question: Does anyone have actual experience keeping an intact doe and a neutered buck?
  5. Baby silkie cuddling with stuffed bunny

    Baby silkie cuddling with stuffed bunny

  6. Baby silkie with stuffed bunny

    Baby silkie with stuffed bunny

  7. CapricornFarm

    Mystery rabbit

    I went to a person's house to buy some used cages and ended up with 4 rabbits! Three were breeds i knew but this fourth one i just don't know . It is supposed to be a purebred rabbit. Any ideas?
  8. C

    Raising Meat Rabbits in North Carolina

    Hello, I have recently gained an interest in raising rabbits for meat. I have done a considerable amount of research, but have several questions that are more pertinent to raising rabbits in NC, as well as a few general questions that I'm hoping others who have raised rabbits for meat purposes...
  9. KHoward

    Wanted: American Blue Rabbits in southern Massachusetts

    Hello, I am in search of pedigreed AmBlue rabbits and I live in southern Massachusetts. Please let me know if you have any for sale.
  10. B

    Please Help, 3 week old bunnies found dead. Second litter lost.

    Hello all, I really appreciate any positive feedback that will help me and beg you all to not judge me and keep any mean comments to yourself as I am already heartbroken and new to this. I have done a lot of research during this process and thought we knew what we were doing. I have a momma...
  11. Jayecookie

    Any Ideas?

    Any one have a good rabbit breed for meat? What breed are your rabbits?
  12. Krazyquilts

    Angora Rabbits for Sale/Trade in NE Ohio

    Two lovely male English Angora rabbits for sale. One is a Ruby Eyed White and the other is a Lilac Tortoise Shell. I believe they are about 8 months old. They are nice rabbits, quite friendly (as far as rabbits go) and have been recently sheared. I purchased them recently with the intention of...
  13. C

    Mixing Animals With Chickens

    I think we're going to inherit a bunny and really don't need to add another animal to the chore list. It sounds super lazy but, I'm an out-of-the-box thinker sometimes. Has anyone ever kept a bunny in a chicken coop/run? Ours is pretty big, coop is 12x20, run is 20x35. Im hopping, pun intended...
  14. AB Gamebird Farmer

    Rabbits as Sacrificial Loss Prevention

    I hope my creepy title caught your attention. Back story: Since I am not a millionaire i didn't feel like buying hundreds of feet of chain link wire to build my pheasant, chicken and turkey enclosures. I used poultry wire which is real good for keeping poultry in.... while predators kill...
  15. Starlings and dogs

    guess the rabbit breed

    ONLY PUREBREDS i will do one then the person who gets it right can post a breed
  16. RabbitGirl


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