
  1. H

    Chickens and Ducks together in run - Help!!

    SOS!! I got 2 cutie ducks a few weeks ago (they're now 6 weeks!!) I did a slow introduction over the course of ~10 days or so and all seemed well! I have 8 chickens currently and have been noticing that 3 of my RIR chickens (unsure if they're pullets or cockerels at this point) are bullying the...
  2. Layla_Chickens

    What is going on with my silkie hen?

    I have a silkie hen and she has never had chicks but has layed normally. So now she has decided she wants to have chicks so she's been in the nesting box and protecting her eggs and everything and I couldn't be more proud. But before anything happened I had introduced another hen I had from my...
  3. lwolsin

    Prolapse and bullying

    My sweet girl buttercup has been laying large then usual eggs the past few weeks. Because of this she has gotten a small prolapse. I have been spraying her daily with Vetericyn and she was doing well but now I’m noticing she is being bullied!! Poor thing is getting pecked like crazy on her...
  4. F

    Injured and Shocked hen

    Hello all. I am fairly new to chicken raising and could really use some advice. The other night, Saturday, while I was getting my chickens ready to go in their coop for the night, one (or possibly two) of my hens viciously attacked another one of my hens. I have two chicken species, Rhode Island...
  5. australorpluvr

    Bloody Combs and Tattered Feathers

    I have a flock of 8 australorps and 2 of them now have bloody combs. I believe it is due to bullying by several members of the flock. I took the two victims and separated them from the rest for a night and treated their combs per the instruction of an online vet. I noticed today when I put them...
  6. GreenHaven

    Molting, Bullied, or Rooster?

    I am a new chicken keeper, so please help me figure out what to do here. This hen might be molting but my flock is 8 months old and it's winter so the timing is wrong, and the feathers look broken off. There are 8 hens and one rooster, and all grew up together. I removed her from the flock...
  7. Alderen

    Bullying and pecking - need help and advice - I'm desperate

    I'm desperate and need any/all advice. I need to give a little back story and I'll include pictures when I can. At the end of April 2023, we purchased 6 chicks from a local feed store. 2 Starlight Green Eggers ( SGE - 2 weeks old), 2 Black Australorps (BA - 1 week old), 1 Barred Rock (BR - 1...
  8. Mrsmalexander8

    Owlbeard Pullet - chronic lethargy, slow, not getting better/not getting worse?

    I have a Dutch Owlbeard, named Minnie, 14 weeks old, seems slightly smaller than the others, seems a little bony but still eating and drinking albeit slowly. Had a sister who was culled as a younger chick (named Merriweather, culled around 8 weeks old), who was fine and then went downhill...
  9. xChickrenMamax


    I’m hoping for some feedback/suggestions as I have never experienced this type of situation. I had a hen that was broody for what seemed like forever (over a month) and as soon as it broke and she started venturing out all of the sudden the hen who I believe was at the bottom of the pecking...
  10. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Fairy Egg & Other Quirks: Should I be Concerned?

    I recently posted about my RIR Willow, who is ~ 4.5 years old. Last week, she started a habit of plucking my molting hen's blood feathers on her vent, so I had to keep her in a separation pen (still in the main run--big enough for a dust bath area, food, water, and a perch). Around that time I...
  11. E

    How long does it take for feathers to regrow?

    Hello! I have got a French Copper Black Marans who is about a year old now and was the victim of some trauma from change and bullying, she looks awful and I’m wondering how long it will take for her feathers to regrow and for her to look beautiful again? For context (I’ll try to keep it brief)...
  12. Wrenshensffe

    Entire flock severely bullying each other

    I’m at a complete loss. (Back story- spring 21. my first flock came from TSC as chicks. I had 22 hens and 2 large pekin ducks in the same coop and same run prior to this flock and they living in harmony with no issues and we’re generally pretty friendly to humans. They were all killed by a mink...
  13. C

    Bullying or something else?

    I have a total of 8 hens. 4 are Silver Laced Wyandottes. 1 of them is the dominant hen. The other 3 have feathers missing from the area where it would usually be missing from a rooster and it's very red. I have seen her mount other hens. No blood that I can see and no sign of pests that I can...
  14. JoanieShrubs

    Lowest pullet attacked by hens

    Hi friends, I have ten chickens living in a large covered run in four prefab coops (with ventilation panels added) so there are 2 or 3 birds in each house and they roost with their closest friends / age group with whom they entered the flock. I’m raising three Sicilian Buttercup pullets who...
  15. BerthaBoo

    Integrating 3 new chicks in with flock of 6, all same age

    Hi everyone! I have a total of 8 young pullets, 1 cockeral right now. All are 9-10 weeks old now. 6 of the pullets + the cockerel (all bym) were brooded together, and I added the three extra pullets (two cream/one pearl legbar) about two weeks ago, when they were all about 7-8 weeks old...
  16. saving grace

    Bullied Hen not Laying

    Hello! My two year old Easter Egger hen hasn't begun laying yet this year, and I'm starting to wonder if she ever will. Some background on her: She's always been the bottom of the pecking order, but there is absolutely no severe bullying going on. No feather-pecking or blood injuries. She's a...
  17. Artchickenlover21

    Entire flock bullying one hen (and feather plucking?)

    It seems every day with my flock there's a new problem. This one is a really weird case. So recently we had bad snowy weather and I was unable to let the chickens out for a couple days. I didn't realize they were low on food and so a couple mornings in a row they were starving and I had to give...
  18. K

    Chicken being bullied by flock after injury

    Hi all, One of our sweet chickens was attacked by a fox in November and survived, but most of her feathers were pulled out on her backside. This trauma sent her into a heavy molt and it has taken months for her to refeather. Unfortunately, in addition to this, the flock of 6 has been bullying...
  19. kanami

    bullying or molting?

    i’m so stressedddd, i’ve noticed some of my chooks are losing feathers and this is coming up on year one of me being a chicken tender and this is a first for me. i need the experts to look at all these photos and help me see if they are getting bullied or if some are molting or both! one day i...
  20. Benshensct

    Help - Bullying/isolation question!

    I'm in Connecticut and I have three hens, two of whom started their first molt in December. My one hen, Fran (jersey giant), is going through a particularly hard molt and a lot of her skin and pin feathers are exposed on her neck/chest and underside. This has led to the other two bullying...
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