
  1. E

    New member Intro

    Hi there! I am a new member interested in having my hens raise their own chicks. I had hens as a kid but only “spent hens”, which laid lots of eggs but never went broody. We also had some bantams but still no broody hens. I got hens more recently about 3 years ago, starting with 5 year-okd hens...
  2. InNC

    Asking Silkie owners for advice please?😊

    I have a 2 year old bantam silkie that is non stop broody. 1. I have no roosters 2. I like my current flock size. 3. I'm attached to her I have tried locking her out of the coop. She is super small but her temper is BIG. She climbs the steps looks in the window and tells me off all day. If...
  3. YellowRoseFarm

    2 Broody Brand New Layers

    Hi all, I have a small mixed flock that were all purchased as chicks in February, and they all started laying around the end of July - the beginning of August. The 2 white Cochins are both already broody and have been for the last 3 weeks. First, it was just one, but soon after, the other...
  4. N

    Broody hen - 1 chick, 3 infertile eggs - supplement with incubated eggs

    First time with a broody hen and she just hatched her first little fluffy. I made the mistake of not segregating her from the other chooks and other eggs were added to her nest. We also have had something (a chook or something else) eating eggs and I lost one of her eggs to that. Now she’s...
  5. T

    Mama Hen Not Sure About Taking Back Chicks After Mite Bath

    Hi! New to everything. My broody hen got red roost mites. I was unable to completely eliminate while she was sitting and by hatch day she was pretty chewed up. I was worried about the chicks so I removed them as they hatched and bathed/dried them. Eggs started hatching on a Friday, continued...
  6. sammi_lynn12

    Broody hen

    I have a hen who has been broody for going on four weeks now. I take her out to the food and water morning, afternoon, and evening time to make sure she is eating and drinking which she is but she will not give it a rest. Lol My boyfriend nonchalantly made the comment yesterday that "we should...
  7. xChickrenMamax


    I’m hoping for some feedback/suggestions as I have never experienced this type of situation. I had a hen that was broody for what seemed like forever (over a month) and as soon as it broke and she started venturing out all of the sudden the hen who I believe was at the bottom of the pecking...
  8. IMG_1931.jpeg


    When you just have too many Snowflake Baby Bobwhites, what do you do? You give a baby to a most Motherly Button quail.
  9. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Will allowing my broody hen to hatch out eggs discourage her from being broody in the future?

    No one told me how broody Australorps could be - omg!!! Mine is relentless and even with putting her in the "broody bin" and giving her daily soaks it can take over a week to break her. I love her but I'm getting so sick of doing this. We don't have a rooster and can't because of city rules, so...
  10. CRH


    Hi guys, I believe my hen is broody. I’m not sure how many eggs she has under her. I’m very scared to candle them because the last time one of my hens went broody she stopped laying on the eggs. This is a different hen though. I want to know if she’s sitting in something or nothing. How can I...
  11. CoopBoots

    Rusty Bucket Farm

    Welcome to Rusty Bucket Farm! This is Rusty, age unknown, maybe 5ish: We adopted him after his first life as a pet came to an end. He's kind of living out his retirement with us, although we managed to get a handful of lovely chicks from him this year. Looks like a Niederrheiner or a variant...
  12. CovidtimeQuail

    Broody Quail hatches 6

    I sold some hatching eggs a few months ago and was surprised to get a text from the buyer: the hatched hen started a new brood of her own, sitting on the eggs and successfully bringing 6 new chicks into the world. I had the chance to see them for myself. Here's the story...
  13. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Looking for more info on bantams in general

    I'm picking up some meat chickens from Meyer next month and I see they have some bantams available still. I'm thinking about snagging some, but I don't know a lot about them and can't seem to find some of the answers I'm looking for. We live in the city and are trying to be more economical with...
  14. LDemps0504

    Broody hen having a hard time walking after laying on eggs in a split

    1st time with a broody hen. My broody hen has been sitting on a clutch of eggs - 2 babies have now hatched. We noticed she would lay on the eggs this whole time in a split, or with her legs splayed out. I thought maybe this is normal? She hasn't gotten up and I noticed she was pooping all over...
  15. Backyardtut

    Broody egg hoarder hen! Let her hatch all of them of or downsize?

    My bantam hen has managed to collect 16 eggs. Only 4 are her own. I was going to allow her to hatch her own 4 and was reluctantly going to allow her to hatch another 4 that were in the same stages of development.. but in the passing week she has managed to take in more eggs from other layers—...
  16. C

    Hen pecking at incubated chicks that I put under her

    My broody hen was incubating 2 eggs until she accidentally cracked 1 so I put it in the incubator to keep it safe. When it hatched, I went to put it under her. First, she didn’t seem to mind and was more aggressive towards me like she was protecting it. When I went and gave the other hens a...
  17. Timbers Happy Hens

    Broody hen question!!

    So one of my gamefowl hens was going broody and trying to steal eggs from a hen that was already sitting. We had to move her to a separate coop as she ended up breaking two of the eggs. After we moved her she didn’t want to sit anymore and became very flighty. We’ve since moved her back to her...
  18. Frodo the Pekin

    Should I place an extra egg under my broody chicken after 3 days?

    Hi! Here I am with another one of my silly beginner issues. So as you might know from my last post, I have a broody chicken that has been sitting on 4 duck eggs for about 3 days. I fear 3 of the eggs might not be fertile, a realisation which had stupidly not come to me till yesterday (more on...
  19. C

    Broody or sick? Green poop and more… *pics*

    Thanks for reading. My hen ISA brown Nina is roughly 18 months old and showing some concerning symptoms. I thought she was broody, but now I’m thinking she’s sick… These behaviors made me think she was broody… Sitting on clutch of eggs, 6 days Not leaving nest Giant broody-looking poop Missing...
  20. Emma89

    Molting, broody, something else?

    Good morning! My chicken has started plucking the feathers from under her breast and legs. I’ve checked for mites and lice and thankfully that isn’t the problem. I read that it could mean she is becoming broody but doesn’t show any of the characteristics of being broody other then plucking...
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