broody hen adopting

  1. CloneFly

    First time TSC chicks and Broody Mama!

    Bit the bullet and finally bought some chicks from TSC. I've heard mixed opinions on the sexing for TSC chicks, so I'm a little nervous! These little guys are for my extremely broody Delaware, 'Helen'. This is also our first time letting a broody raise chicks, so a bit nervous about that as...
  2. LiizardWiitch

    Broody hen question

    I had 2 silkies sitting on 8 eggs between the 2 of them as they always wanted to be in the same nest together, now they have only successfully hatched 3 chicks, the other eggs were not fertile. Can they share the chicks and both become un broody or should i get 1 of them their own chicks? Thank you
  3. F

    Can we put a one day old chick under a broody hen who has week old chicks?

    We had two broody hens who were around a week apart in their incubation time. Hen #1’s chicks hatched about a week ago, and Hen #2 hatched two chicks this morning or earlier. Unfortunately, Hen #2 crushed one of her chicks and began attacking/pecking at the other one, so ultimately we removed...
  4. K

    Broody hen rejecting chicks in the am

    Last night I snuck three little chicks day ish old chicks (less than 48hrs ) under my broody hen who’s been broody for a long time. She’s a blue austrolourp Rhoda island Red Cross This am I came and the chicks were running around the coop looking distressed and the mama left them I tried...
  5. thronesandroses

    Please Help… Is it too late to reintroduce adopted chicks to my broody hen?

    I have a broody blue production bird that has been broody for about 1 1/2 weeks. She was also super broody last spring so I think she wants to be a mom hen pretty bad. Today I got 3 one-day old chicks. I tried to introduce them to her at around 3pm and 6pm but both times she was not having it...
  6. ryansmom06

    Broody hen

    I have a broody hen for about 2 weeks. Tried putting babies under her she sat for a few minutes then got up. When she laid back down the babies wouldn’t go under her, and she did nothing. How do I know if they accept each other?
  7. W

    Introducing new chicks to broody hen

    Hi Guys! We have a Buff Orpington named Lemon who went broody for the first time a few weeks ago. Our local Tractor Supply had Lavender Orpington chicks in stock so I purchased 6 to see if Lemon would be their surrogate mother. She was pretty darn mean as a broody hen so I snuck in after dark...
  8. M

    Broody Hen Killed Chicks

    I have a broody hen (first time) who incubated five eggs. We marked them and removed any other eggs she took that the other hens laid that she added to her pile. She killed the first two chicks that hatched, so we took the other three and put them in the incubator. They are all doing well, but...
  9. N

    Introduce store-bought chicks to broody hen all at once or in batches?

    Our 7 chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery just arrived today (72-ish hours old), and our 1yo Buff Orpington has been broody for 2.5 weeks. I planned on introducing all 7 of the chicks to her tonight in her brood box while she sleeps (slipping them in from behind her so she doesn't see me doing...
  10. H

    Picking up chicks tomorrow, Preferred mom just went broody. Too early?

    So I pick up chicks tomorrow. The only hen (a little over one) that has reared a chick *just* went broody. She wasn’t yesterday, but now she’s hissing at me and tucked an egg I have under her. She did a great job rearing the chick (she was 8 months at the time) There are a few other broody...
  11. P

    Giving Broody Hen Chicks

    What are the pros/cons of giving a broody hen hatchery chicks to raise? I have a girl that just went broody this week and pre ordered some chicks about a month ago. I should be getting them the first week of March, so I don’t know if it would even be feasible to let her be broody that long...
  12. S

    HELP!! Chick sexing needed

    Hi, need help chicken sexing. we purchased 10 chicks from a local hatchery a while back and now we are wondering what gender they are🧐. sadly 4 died when we placed them under our broody hen who we decided to use as a surrogate mother😢. Later we realised they passed because there vents were...
  13. crazychickenlady81

    Broody hen adopted a 2 1/2 month pullet. Should I stop this?

    Hi all! Have a strange one for ya. Was curious if anyone had any advice or similar experience. Today we deep cleaned the coop because we were finally melding together the hens with the new girls, 2 1/2 month old pullets. They’ve been spending the last few weeks together in the chicken yard. As...
  14. R

    Maybe looking for fertilized eggs in MI

    Hey guys! So recently my rooster died so we don't have fertile eggs anymore. And yesterday my best hen got kinda broody she is a really good mother and if we ever got chicks again we would want her to hatch them! We prefer araucanas/ameraucanas(Easter eggers) I know this is kinda a long shot...
  15. rabiee

    past broody hen would she go broody for chicks?

    Question, I have a hen that loves to sit on eggs, she is currently not broody, but if I were to separate her from the flock and put some chicks under her do you think she would accept them? She has never hatched any eggs, and is a year old. I took advantage of the Memorial Day sale Murray...
  16. S

    Drying yolk sack on bottom

    Hi all, the one baby chick I had that's yolk sack was still attached is super lively and eating drinking like a champ for the last 3 days. He was the only one to hatch and is getting lonely. I have a broody buff orpington I was thinking about trying to get her to adopt since we have no rooster...
  17. Jeninoz

    Will my broody hen adopt my 3 week chicks?

    Gday everyone, I love this forum and love keeping chickens I’m still new to keeping chickens I had a solo hen :). She followed me around everywhere so I got a rooster to keep her company. They get along fine but the rooster was scared, difficult to handle and didn’t go back to roost in their...
  18. L

    Trying to indtroduce two 1 week old chicks under a hen with her own 1 week old chick

    hi, I currently have a hen who has hatched out just one chick (who is now a week old). I have just bought two new chicks so the original chick has friends, and they are also one week old. What is the best way to introduce the mum to the new chicks, any advice much appreciated!
  19. cdmadaio

    Will these hatch?

    These are the developing eggs. Some are 2 days overdue. I don't know if that's because they stopped developing or because they didn't get proper heat. I took some eggs out so the developing ones would get proper heat. Can anyone tell me if any of these are going to hatch? One of them is...
  20. R

    First Timer Hatching eggs

    Hello, I am new to the chicken world as we got our first chicken a year ago. We have 6 hens and no roos. I have a broody hen and 'adopted' 5 fertilized eggs from a friend. I placed them under my broody hen and she has been diligently sitting on them. They are due to hatch on July 21st. I...
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