
  1. G

    injured (?) toe on 2 month old pullet

    She is limping quite bad for a week now. the foot looks normal (not bumble foot) - clean healthy, normal color skin. But, her outside toe joint (at the big, base joint,) is either dislocated or non-existent. She limps quite badly on it and is not getting better. I don't see any way to splint...
  2. NinjaGamer2022

    Coturnix Quail foot BROKEN OFF - ADVICE NEEDED

    This morning I went to check my sweet quails. My favorite quail I found with her foot broken off and bleeding. I immediately brought her in. I put cornstarch on her wound, but it's still bleeding a bit. The foot is connected to her leg by a very small amount of skin and/or flesh. What do I do...
  3. NinjaGamer2022

    EMERGENCY - 2 Coturnix Quail foot broken OFF

    This morning I went to check my sweet quails. My favorite quail I found with her foot broken off and bleeding. I immediately brought her in. I put cornstarch on her wound, but it's still bleeding a bit. The foot is connected to her leg by a very small amount of skin and/or flesh. What do I do...
  4. stacyg7713

    Broken Beak? HELP!

    Hello. I have a Black Australorp chick. She had been fine and her beak was normal for the past 3 weeks. I brought them home April 6th. But, today I noticed that her beak is F***ed up big time. It actually looks broken to me. It hangs open and when I touch it gently it seems to be loose. She is...
  5. Aprilxoxo

    Quail Broken beak

    Hi everyone I found one of my male quails with a broken beak. Its completely clean with no blood but its broken right back to just where the flesh starts. His new beak tip is the flesh bulb thingy (ill get pictures soon). Will the beak grow still if it was just the keratin part that has broken...
  6. SageFay

    Day-old Chick with Injured (Broken?) Ankle

    Chick hatched this morning under a broody hen. We found it out from under her and as we went to pick it up to look the hen pecked at it aggressively again. At first all we saw was a small wound in its back so we brought it into the brooder and treated that. Then we noticed bruising on the left...
  7. StarCreekFarm

    Duck bill repair

    I will come back to add more, edit and post photos soon, but wanted to share a duck bill repair tactic we devised that seems to be working, just in case anyone else has a similar emergency and is looking for ideas straight away. As always, this worked for us, but might not work for you, or I...
  8. creedatticus

    Broken bit of hardware cloth in run

    we have our food and water containers hanging in the run from the hardware cloth. i was trying to take it off and broke one tiny bit of the wire where it was hanging, and i just moved it to another square hole nearby to hang from. is there a way to seal the small break in the wire?
  9. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Baby bunny with a broken leg. Please help!!

    There is a baby bunny that lives in our yard, I see it every day. But this last week I just noticed that I think it has broken leg!! It’s left leg sticks out of its body at a weird angle. It is so slow, and just slowing hops away. So slow that I could easily touch it. What should I do?? I know...
  10. Y

    Emu with broken toe?

    One of our emus has broken there big middle toe, it swollen and bent and he’s walking with a limp, Is there a way we can splint it? And if there is any antibiotics we can use for him? Thank you.
  11. T

    Urgent help needed with a Baby Duckling

    I want to preface this by saying I do not have the option to send him to a retreat. Due to Avian flu they are not excepting newcomers. We saved him because he mom was gone, even after searching. His leg was really busted aswell. Fast forward a day, and he ends up continually jumping up on his...
  12. Michael A

    Injured foot, any advice?

    Hi My hen has been limping for a couple of weeks. I checked it out when she first started but did not see or feel anything unusual I checked her again today and can see that the bottom of her foot is puffy and lower leg is bruised She seems to be eating and laying fine but obviously having...
  13. alexandhammy

    Mysterious Death in flock - Please help

    I have a flock of 2 drakes and 5 ducks, theyre in a closed coop with three roosters. I went into the coop today and one of the ducks had a broken neck. Nobody else was injured or dead. There was no blood, no apparent puncture wounds. I checked to see if she could have got stuck somewhere but...
  14. C

    Bloody broken beak…

    Came outside this morning and three of my girls have bloody or broken weeks. I’m assuming they were trying to get something on the other side of the fence, what can I do? Should I separate them so they don’t get picked? Thank you!!
  15. Chickena

    Broken neck?

    Hi, so my silkie chicken probably has a broken neck and I don’t know what to do! She’s also walking very funny like as if she was new to walking. Her head keeps on turning to the right a lot but she never moved it to the left. I just noticed this right now.
  16. S

    Help Save Duckie the Duck after Fox Attack

    Hi all, Thanks for clicking on this thread. She was attacked by a fox and was left unable to walk. I will be building her a wheelchair to help support and build the strength back in her leg. Hopefully this will also prevent any pressure sores she may develop too. I will be posting regular...
  17. C

    Chicken with fracture above hock

    Hello! We have a hen that appears to have broken her leg directly above the hock. There is green bruising and she cannot move the leg at all - it flops completely and she doesn’t respond and grab things with that foot. A few questions: 1) Is a splint that doesn’t cover the whole tibia worth...
  18. P

    Dislocated leg or tendon injury ?

    Hi folks, this stag was about to be thrown out by his owner but I got him to try to save him and give him a chance to live normally. I attached a video file to this post showing him. He's just using one leg to walk, his fingers are curled and doesnt move
  19. F

    Young Peafowl Leg bent awkwardly!!! Help!! Peafowl with Dislocated or broken leg

    My peachick of 4 months old suddenly has a really bent leg. It must be dislocated or broken or something because it’s REALLY bent. Wasn’t like this yesterday; seemingly just happened this morning or overnight. It was recently moved to a wire cage. Could that have anything to do with the problem...
  20. Kitty_stuber


    My young rooster broke his toe. I tried to splint it awhile back but I made him limp more so I took it off. It started to turn black. I was told it would just fall off but it hasn’t and now it is very swollen around the black part. I’m wondering if he is pecking at it?? Please help!! What do I do?!
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