broad breasted white

  1. CyborgBabyMama20

    What is my Broad Breasted White Turkey sick with?

    My 6 week old WBT has been sick for a few days now. I have been trying to get her back on her feet and she is very resilient. Today when I let the birds out she was on her side, she lifted her head shakily and looked at me. I got her picked up and she stood in a corner. Her wings are droopy...
  2. W

    2/3 of my turkeys have a black circle on their beak, their heads are turning purple and there's crust around their nostrils/beak, what is going on?

    I currently have six turkeys (Broad Breasted Whites and I've had them for about three months now. This is my first year raising Turkeys, usually there running around doing whatever it is they do. A week and a half ago one of them developed a black circle on the right side of their beak. At...
  3. M

    Sudden Growth on Turkey's Back

    Hi all! I'm currently away at college and my family sends me updates of my pet Broad Breasted White turkey back home. Last night I was sent these pictures and told this growth showed up on his back within the day. My parents let him out in the morning with no sign of it and by the time they...
  4. C

    Broad breast Turkey is sick!!

    Hello, I have a BB female turkey. For the last couple days she has just been standing with drooping wings and just sleeping it seems. When she breaths it sound gargled and now she has running poop and her crop feels like it is filled with air or fluid. I pressed on it and she doesn’t seem to be...
  5. DesertPollos

    Turkey integration trouble with chickens - injured

    I integrated my new broad breasted white into my chicken flock (all hens) last week. I have 10 hens. The turkey is a girl too. Getting along was great the first several days, but now they’ve turned on her. Her wing was injured yesterday and she has a few bloody peck marks on her neck. Is this...
  6. ShaliniW1985

    Turkey seizure/stroke??

    Earlier my broadbreasted turkey was facing off with one of my roosters through a fence. She was trilling and puffing up to intimidate him. My rooster then pecked at the fence and out of shock, she was sent backwards and she fell on her back. She started flapping and flailing and kicking. Her...
  7. S

    Turkeys poults and ducklings

    Hi all, a few days ago one of my 8wk broad breasted turkeys died. She was fine in the morning and started gasping for air around 7pm and was dead by 8pm. A couple days go by and one of my Cayuga ducklings died, then another the next day. They aren’t housed together, but are housed inside in...
  8. Lordofthegreenpeas

    Dead poult

    I brought home two broad breasted poults this morning, once they got home the smaller one randomly started not being able to walk became paralyzed and passed about 20 minutes later. On the way home it wasn't cold with a temp of about 85F and the drive was only 20 minutes. I set up the heat lamp...
  9. Broad Breasted White

    Broad Breasted White

    The following information is all coming from Cackle Hatchery. The White Broad Breasted Turkey is the most common of commercial broad breasted strains of eating Turkeys on the market today. The White Broad Breasted Turkey is by far the largest of the breeds and generally are not able to...
  10. T

    Pasture Raised Broad Breasted WHITE Turkeys

    From baby poults (have written chicks initially) to broilers. Raising them on pasture, organically, naturally. Tips and advice.
  11. Cheers2Ya

    What the world?!? Eggs???

    I just wanted to make a post because I'm surprised and a little confused. I ordered day-old turkeys from a hatchery that were delivered April 5, 2018. They were a broad-breasted mix. I butchered all but one white hen. I also have a black Spanish. On August 31, I purchased three Red Bourbon's...
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