breed & gender

  1. C

    Breed and gender please

    3.5 mos.
  2. M

    Please me. Is this a breed?

    Hello all. I am new here and also new to chicken. I went to my feed store about 2 months ago and they had those chicks in a bin. The bin c ok clearly stated black copper maran pullet. Well, I took this one home because she was black and she had feathered feet with almost no comb. But over...
  3. GonzoJoey

    Chicken Breed and Gender

    Got told this chicken was a Easter egger and told it was a pullet too idk if either of those are right what do yall think?
  4. L

    Help with breeds and possibly sex

    Hi! So I'm having a hard time telling what breeds these two are. I remember purchasing a calico princess, and a buff orpington, and potentially a golden comet. I know one of my chicks is a buff orpington and he is also my Cockerel. But the ones in my pictures below number one and number two I'm...
  5. B

    What breeds and genders are these?

    I hatched out a couple of eggs from a local farm around 3 months ago. I'm not really sure what breeds these are.
  6. jen61871

    Bantam breed?

    I got Chicks-bantam from tractor supply for a dollar each because they are "old" at 3-4 weeks. They could not tell me the breeds though. Can somebody tell me the breed of these two Chicks? Thanks so much! Jennifer
  7. L

    Ŵhat gender or breed?

    Hi I have 5 chicks and no clue the breed or gender. They are 3 weeks and because I don't know what breeds I'm finding it hard to sex them. I'm not allowed to keep cockerels so would love to know ASAP so I can find them homes. Here are some pictures, I have numbered each chick from 1-5 TIA
  8. G

    What breed + gender are these?

    I came across 2 chicks about 2 weeks ago and I am wondering what breed and gender these 2 adolescent chickens are?
  9. B

    Help with breeds

    Hatched out these eggs but not sure about some of these breeds.
  10. C

    Polish or crevecoeur chick

    Hi friends! So I have 8 chicks, two were labeled “assorted Polish crested”. The one absolutely looks like a Polish, but I’m unsure on this black one. Someone said he might be a crevecoeur, but I’m not sure how to tell the difference? He’s about 5 weeks old in this photo and he just started...
  11. seacrow13

    I was told this is a cream legbar, is it?

    Hello! I have several cream legbars, but in a group that I raised last year from chicks only one ended up being a rooster. He and one of the hens actually looked like twins for a little while until he started getting oranger at the top and then all sorts of vibrant colors different from the...
  12. CloneFly

    New chick- What breed am I?

    Hello all! We just took in this chick today, and we're wondering if anyone had any clues as to it's age and breed- bets on if it's a male or female are welcome as well ;) Poor little thing looks like it had its beak cut before being rescued. Thanks @DAPARROT for taking the little one in and...
  13. JaclynSunnyvale

    Can you identify this chick?

    I ordered some baby chicks from a local feed store. One chick is different than the others. I am hoping for some feedback on this forum as to what breed this chick is and if it a pullet or cockerel. It’s supposed to be a blue australorp pullet. Here are some photos at 16 days old. I can take...
  14. C

    What do I have? 🐥

    I have 15 FBC Marans. Mostly turning out to be roos. I had three extra surprise eggs to hatch, not sure what they are. One looks like my marans but has a fluffy neck. One is white with a few black tipped feathers and came out of a much smaller speckled brown egg, and then a beautiful blue that...
  15. R

    gender & breed help!

    hello! we recently got chickens 🙂 we were told they are 3 months old, theres 7 of them and we are unsure of their breeds & gender. was hoping to get some help on guessing. thanks so much!
  16. ramblinreckrangers

    Anyone know what breed this chicken is?

    Hi! Sorry it's not a better photo, but in them you can see 2 white and black chickens with small combs. I don't recall what breed they are and I am having a hard time figuring it out. Might be an easter egger or an ameraucana. I guess I'll start finding out when she begins to lay... although...
  17. KyloChicken

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte?

    Hi chicken friends, Please join me on this little adventure! I got 6 blue laced red Wyandotte chicks as friends to my 2 self hatched (probably Brahma) chicks. I bought them from the feed store as straight run Blue Laced Red Wyandottes. Looking at these little guys they all seem to be lacking...
  18. G

    I idea what this rooster is

    This is a 6 month old rooster that wasn’t supposed to be…whatever this is…he came with a batch of Brahmans….any idea what breed and temperament he is. He has a very fluffy white patch just above his tail. Not a typical feather, more like fluffy down feathers. So far he hasn’t acted dominant at...
  19. Quacking ducks

    4 week old chicks. Roos or hens? Breeds?

    Any idea what gender on breeds my 4 week old chicks are? Thanks 1. Hen? 2. Hen? 3. Hen? 4. Hen? 5. Roo? 6. Roo? 7. Roo 8. Roo
  20. Exhibitionhouse

    Possibly Americana - Breed and Gender?

    I got what I thought was an ameraucana. The comb is throwing me off and I havent seen any all black ones in my google searches. Can anyone tell me if shes not an ameraucana what breed this is? Shes about 8-9 weeks old. Also seems like a pullet based on demeanor, but am I wrong on this? ps I did...
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