
  1. T

    EMERGENCY: Chicken has trouble breathing!

    Dear all, Our Sussex now ~2 years of age, was having trouble walking 3 days ago (when we noticed). Her right leg hurts a lot, and she would rather stand on her other leg. We went to the vet yesterday and it didn't seem as bumblefoot, as there are apparent lumps in her leg (she is also shaking...
  2. E

    Help, is my duck okay?

    Hello everyone, I have a week old duckling, he is male. The past 2 days he’s been sneezing a lot, he eats great, drinks and plays totally fine. He’s been breathing kinda funny when he’s sleeping or when I go to pick him up he breathes heavy! I been reading around and I find very similar...
  3. Tanya22

    8 Weeks old Chick breathing very hard! I can see her whole body move while she is breathing!

    Please please help me out! I have been treating my 2 chicks for coccidiosis and finished their treatment yesterday. The older one has been very sick for 2 weeks now and she also has growth problems. Her legs are also very weak and she just moves to eat and drink. I have given her vitamins...
  4. Agia

    Unusual type of breathing

    Good people, I need your opinion, I can’t find answers anywhere. I have some 3 week old Wyandotte chicks, one of them has an unusual type of breathing where her bits between eyes and nostrils and underneath her beak bloat out when she inhales and goes in when she exhales. Is this a sign of...
  5. carlyducks

    Is my duck’s breathing normal?

    So my 1 year old female black Swedish duck has always seemed to breathe heavy as long as I could remember.. I didn’t think anything of it because she has always done it. But scrolling online last night I read that when I duck breathes and their tail bobs up and down and could mean that have a...
  6. T

    Gasping chick

    So our neighbors surprised us with to baby chicks yesterday after their dog got into our yard over the weekend and killed 2 of our chickens. The 2 chicks are probably 4 to 5 days old. One of them seems perfectly fine but the other 1 was just kind of standing hunched in the Box when they handed...
  7. SheenaBee

    Turkey Poult sinuses puffing out when breathing

    Lots of chickens here but this is my first batch of turkeys, so it’s a bit of a learning curve . Out of the 5 four week old poults I’ve recently acquired only one breathes like this. It’s little chin and sinus areas move with each breath. Eating and drinking well, doesn’t appear otherwise ill...
  8. cliffoco

    Chicken open mouth breathing

    I am getting worried about this young 4 month pullet, she is open mouth breathing and I can hear her kind of gasping. The odd time she does a full beak open gasp. See the video. Keep in mind this is at midnight, she is very sleepy, although she has a little less energy she is only like this...
  9. A

    My duck has breathing problems...

    Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help me. I own three ducks - one female runner and two male cayugas. One of the boys has this coughing or sneezing noise. It's been chronic so far - we just thought it could be a cold that wouldn't disappear. He also seems to lose his voice from time to time, and...
  10. Hopethehen

    Help! Hen breathing weird...

    I have four hens, two a year old, but for the other two it’s their first summer! One of them seems fine, but my other (chocolate orpington) seems to be breathing really badly!! She’s panting nonstop, and I gave her grass and she ‘ate’ it but it came back up and she started coughing... she’s...
  11. C

    Duck breathing problems ??

    Hi ! I am a new duck owner and have never had ducklings before. I have done my hardest to research on this issue however I want to make sure I’m getting the right answer. My duckling has recently started breathing funny. She makes a noise when she breathes, almost like she has a stuffy nose, and...
  12. NineChickens

    "Special" leghorn? Question

    I joined BYC about a year ago asking for help with one of my girls because Google didn't have any answers. All they could give me were suggestions. I ended up separating her from the flock in case her condition was contagious and she ended up being alone for almost a month. My parents said i...
  13. Sunny Windsong

    Rooster wheezing badly

    Help! My cemani rooster is wheezing badly! We had a crow collar on him and I thought that might be what was wrong so we took it off but today he is still wheezing and it sounds like he is struggling for every breath. However, he's not showing any signs of lethargy or illness. Could something be...
  14. georgieboy11

    Rooster breathing strange

    My rooster Bruce who is recovering from having mites is breathing weird. It sounds like his nose is really dry or something, every time he breathes its like a raspy noise. He is also recovering from frostbite on his comb and waddles, I have been putting neosporin on them and I have him in the...
  15. MamaHen11

    Chicken injury- heavy breath/wheeze

    hello byc! My chicken had a run in with a dog today- chick snuck through the fence. No visible marks or damage, but is wheezing a bit and doesn't draw breath in a smooth fashion. Plus, seems like the breathing is labored. Doesn't seem like evidence of an air sac leak has materialized yet...
  16. K

    Chicken rattling on exertion only

    May be related...our new dog (not chicken trained yet) squeezed out past my husband and ended up chasing and biting one of our 13 chickens. We were horrified and worried about her (her name is Tippy). I noticed right away that she was breathing rough but I figured she had just run really fast...
  17. Revan

    Smoke Inhalation?

    Hello. Currently, there is a massive fire about 15 miles away from where I live, so it's very smokey and very hot. My little cochin hen (she's 4 months old) started wheezing yesterday afternoon. I would have posted sooner, but both power and internet went out and internet didn't come back until...
  18. Spiderduck

    Sick chick HELP

    Water may have gone down the wrong tube when i gave him water via syringe but im not sure I gave him drops only allowing to breathe between He is now coughing up his previous food and i picked him up and it was all pouring out!!! HELP WHAT SHALL I DO he is on the floor breathing hard
  19. mega

    Duckling Deformed Beak and Breathing Issue

    I have a 4 day old duckling. Her top bill seems to be growing sideways so her mouth is always open. I heard that it is common. I'm concerned because one of her nostrils is sealed shut and the other one has bubbles coming out of it when she breathes. She has been breathing out her mouth a lot...
  20. B

    3 day old chick seems to be choking on something!

    My 3 day old chick keeps gagging, I can't see anything sticking out of its beak. I already tried the oil method but it didn't do anything I think it worsen she was chirping at first but now she won't even chirp, she seems like she has gotten weaker and is just laying still gagging she kinda...
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