
  1. A

    YOUR THOUGHTS! Sexing 1wk BLRW chicks

    I’ve done my research and have my thoughts. But I’m also only 1+yr exp chicken owner. I’m curious to how many ladies or Roos of the 5 BLRW I may have. I took 3 photos of each bird(back colors,beak,and wing feathers) I hope these are the things that a more experienced person would look at. TIA
  2. Ash56

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte-saddle feathers?

    These two are almost 5 months old. I have always thought the one I am now questioning was a hen because compared to her (seemingly) twin brother, she looks so dainty. But..she has saddle feathers? Is this saddle feathers I am seeing or something else lol. Because if she is a now a he we will...
  3. Azulette

    Weekly Growth

    Hi there! I've much enjoyed stumbling upon threads of weekly chick growth/progression so I figured its finally time to throw my hat in the ring! I purchased all sexed pullets and I'm pretty sure I have 1 or more cockerels on my hands (so it goes). I'm a first time chicken owner in a residential...
  4. madisonboe

    Any gender guesses for my 8 week BLWR?

  5. CoconutCoffee

    BLRW sexing

    Was told one of my 8 week old BLRW looks like a roo. The only difference I can tell between "him" and the others is the lack of blue lacing. I don't know if that was why it was said to be a roo or not. I dont know much about chicken feathering and I try not to put too much into "males have X...
  6. FeatherTay

    June Sexing Project

    Hey Everyone! I first want to start this off by saying that I was 100% inspired by @TheAlrightyGina and her Silkie Sexing Project. I saw it and thought it was the best idea ever. So here we are! Now, I am no where near as organized as Gina so the only thing I can and will do for this project is...
  7. FuzzyOwlFeet

    Finally, My Dream Came True

    Today I was contacted by a local breeder. She was retiring her Blue Laced Red Wyandottes and wanted a no-kill home for them. A thirty-minute drive and 80$ later I finally have hands on some of my ultimate dream chickens. I have always wanted BLRW, but I had this weird curse where something...
  8. C

    BLRW baby chick has single comb???

    25 days ago I was given 6 BLRW hatching eggs from a friend who wanted to see if the eggs were fertile,5/6 eggs were fertile. Four of the chicks hatched yesterday(day 24), but one of them has a single comb, is this normal? He had all the BLRW's in their separate breeding pen and all of them have...
  9. Lexiirwin03

    Lookin for pictures of BLRW crosses!

    I’d like to see some pretty BLRW crosses please. I would like to cross some in the future just tryin to see with what lol.
  10. LizzzyJo

    Free Cockerels - 3 Free BLRW & One $10 Jubilee Orpington (NW Ohio)

    Hi All! I was going to keep these beautiful pure bred boys, but now things have changed and I have to part ways with them. I have three blue laced red Wyandottes (black, blue, and splash) and one jubilee orpington. I have multiple pics of the black because he is so flippin' handsome. They would...
  11. K1MM11

    BLRW and GLBW gender help please! - Wyandottes

    Hi there! So I have a gender question, as my now 8 week old chicks have had me stumped these past few weeks. They are all Wyandottes but they are a mixed bunch of colours. All of the chicks feathered at the same rate, and about two weeks ago three started growing their combs. The other three...
  12. T

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Breeding Questions

    VERY new to this, so lots to learn still. This hen was sold to me as BLRW but is splash I think? Please correct me if any of this is inaccurate. Then I found a young cockerel up for sale that I hope to breed to her once he's grown. What would be possible color outcomes for these two? Do I need a...
  13. Jerinthefarmer

    Feather sexing 2 week old BLRW

    I have 2 week old BLRW chicks. They’re are 4 splash, 2 blue and 1 black. Their wings are developing differently and I’m wondering if the BLRW have sex link genes? Are the roos slower to feather than the pullets? I’m assuming from the wing differences that I have 4 roos and 3 pullets. Any expert...
  14. K

    Another “pullet or cockerel game”

    I have these 4 bluelaced red Wyandottes that are now just shy of 6 weeks old. One should be a cockerel. Any guesses as to who the roo might be? Or if there’s more than one? This is not their permanent home. They were pulled out for cleaning.
  15. M

    White Rock, BLRW, Barred Rock sexing

    Need help. I cannot have Roos, 1st time chicken mama
  16. WallyBirdie

    Adam Growth Pics

    Pictures of Adam's growth and development. Put together out of nostalgia when I went through older pictures.
  17. WallyBirdie

    Bad Boy, Good Outlook

    Meet Adam. Adam is a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. Between personality and coloring, he garnered a lot of love. My first Wyandotte... and he grew so big, so fast. I belatedly learned this to be normal, but watching him grow was awe-inspiring. But as he grew, so did his attitude. He began to...
  18. crzy4chicks

    Blue laced red wyandotte

    Chicks and hatching eggs available! I have one coop with splash over blk which produces all blue chicks, or a blue over blue with one splash which will give you blue black and splash. Parent pics at and contact can be made through there also...
  19. dmb1994

    Lavender orpington blue laced red Wyandotte cross

    What colors would I get if I bred my blue laced red Wyandotte hens with my lavender Orpington rooster?
  20. CaptainCrunch

    What will I get...

    Heya! So, I have splash laced red wyandotte girls (they were meant to be blue laced red, but the blue is white so I'm assuming they're splash laced?) and a gold laced wyandotte roo. If I put them in a breeding pen together, what will I get? Thanks!
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