
  1. TaylorGlade

    Silver Bielefelder Hatch-A-Long

    We're thrilled to share our first-ever hatch with you! Tonight, we've set 7 beautiful Silver Bielefelder eggs from GreenFire Farms in our incubator, and the excitement is palpable. As beginners, we're eager to learn and share in this journey with the amazing community here at...
  2. T

    Chicken math is a real thing!!! Living proof here in Selma, ca

    I am new here - I’m located in selma, Ca and I started with 4 chicks in Feb 2023.. then I got 1 more.. then I got 2 more…. And then I got 3 more…. And I definitely don’t have plans to go see some more after work tomorrow… Anyways, I currently have - 2 - RIR hens 2 - EE hens 4 - Welbar hens...
  3. G

    6 Month Old Bielefelder and Mixed New Hampshire Red Roosters

    Looking for a good home. Near Savannah GA area.
  4. T

    Small backyard flock - what’s gets along with BR?

    We have a small flock of 4 backyard laying hens. We are looking to add another 2 hens (live in city limits, so we can have 6 hens total, and hopefully on the quieter end, pullet chicks). We have 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks, a Sapphire Gem and a Sapphire Olive Egger. All are pretty great foragers...
  5. UpstateSCChickens

    Bielefelder/Black Australorp Cross?

    Wondering if anyone has crossed Bielefelder with Black Australorp? I have a gorgeous Black Australorp Roo that I have thought about crossing with a Bielefelder hen. Curious to know if anyone has and what the results were. Thanks!
  6. Hip Hillbilly Acres

    Bielefelder Neiderrheiner breakfast and growth update

    Uww, got a bit of pasty butt going on (Anthonnyyyyy, you're needed in the brooding room)!!!! My hat goes off to those chick photographers. Maaaaaan, I actually sat my fat butt on the floor to patiently wait for "the" shot and not scare them. I always get their behinds. Was hoping for some...
  7. AmeraucanaHank

    Bielefelder and bielefelder mixes hatching eggs for sale!

    Hi, I am going to be selling hatching eggs this spring if everything goes as planned! (and I will make one Fall order if any one wants.) If ya'll want to order some then please contact this email address: [email protected] And I'm sorry I am not NPIP certified yet so I will...
  8. Aziara

    Murray McMurray Cuckoo Marans genetics questions

    I've been goofing around with the Chicken Calculator, and I think I might have a crossbreeding gameplan. But, I want to know more about the genetics of the birds involved first. For example, the Cuckoo Marans from Murray McMurray, what is the 'extension of black'? 4 options on the calculator...
  9. BIG Feathers Farm

    Boyd from Boyds Outdoors

    Hi everyone, - My name is Boyd from Boyds Outdoors. I have my own flock of chickens since I was 12 year old. My coop is the "Overflowing Coop" I have off and on approximately 200-300 chickens. Bantams and regular chicks. I hatch my own eggs together with some hens. Mainly Orpingtons and a couple...
  10. EurekaPaprika

    School Project Chickens

    I just got these three chickens from my niece, whose class hatched them from a farm. I'd love to know breeds/genders (at least a general idea) So far I'm thinking: Red Sex Link Pullet EE/Bielefelder cross Pullet Bielefelder Cockerel But maybe that's just wishful thinking? I've been wanting to...
  11. heatherbeast

    Bielefelder Rooster, 2 available, Atlanta Metro

    I have 2 gorgeous Bielefelder cockerels that are ready for flocks of their own! They are large and still have filling out to do to become true kings. These German-engineered "uberchickens" do not attack their humans or their hens -- they understand "not tonight dear". $15 each, $20 for both...
  12. G

    Molting for 5 months

    Hello, I have two Bielefelders that are 1.5 years old. Around mid July of this year they stopped laying eggs and started to molt. At first it was a lot of feathers, they were very lethargic. Those new feathers have filled in but they are still continuing to loose feathers. Around the neck...
  13. LondonKallie

    Bielefelder X Polish Cross

    So my beautiful favorite Polish chicken died last night. Im not sure how, but I held her as she took her last breaths. I'm pretty sure she had a blockage in her intestines, but this post isn't about how she died it's about her offspring. I quickly ran to the coop this morning and gathered all...
  14. W

    Why did my chicken die??

    Hi all! I was so sad to discover one of my 2yr old Bielefelder hens dead in the coop this morning. Nestled into the corner at a funny angle. No signs of illness or injury previously. It looks like she fell off the roost (only 1.5 feet high) and got wedged between the feeder and the walls, OR she...
  15. M


    Hello, I've browsed BYC for information off & on for years, but I finally joined today. My husband and I have had chickens for years, but we started over with a new flock after moving to north Idaho a couple of years ago. We're looking for that elusive perfect homestead chicken, and thus I am...
  16. jaybergers

    is this full bielefelder or mix?

    is my rooster 100 % bielefelder or is it a mix? here is a short clip of my bielefelder (link below) My bielefelder clip
  17. C

    New Member Here

    Hi all! I am new here. Decided to join because we are looking to start a little backyard flock for awesome family pets and some delicious eggs. I'm located in southeastern Pennsylvania. I have fallen in love with the the characteristics of Bielefelders but am having a hard time finding a local...
  18. S

    Northern New England Chick Mom

    Hi all, Had chickens years ago when the kids were young and decided to jump in again last May. Our flock: Currently we have Bielefelders (6 hens); and Red Laced Blue Wyandotte’s (1 rooster and 6 hens). Why: We chose these two breeds because they are both cold hardy and good winter layers, free...
  19. D

    Sulmtaler Hatching Eggs

    My sulmtalers are laying consistently and I have some hatching eggs available to ship within the continental US. We are NPIP certified and AI clean. Message me to discuss ship dates. We also have several other breeds available. Thanks!
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