
  1. G

    EYP hen (pictures) (please help!)

    This is her belly. It’s only swollen in her rear area (the noticable swelling starts in the space right between her keel and vent) It isn’t red. It is firm but not completely hard. The vet said it’s not fluid, so it’s not ascites. Her comb is bright red and her crop empties like normal. I saw...
  2. LukasChickens

    My young chicken is very sick... please help :( (eyes, belly)

    Hello everyone! I need help with one of my chickens. Three days ago she started to be very sad, her belly was swollen so we thought that she had "water belly" and also her poop was really weird it was white and much like liquid, it wasn't normal. The next day we got syringe and a 18G needle we...
  3. Saviors4us

    Split Belly

    Have you ever hatched a chick that looked like this on the belly? I have no idea what to do! She seems fine in every other way! I don’t know what to do. What would you do!?
  4. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Do Your Chickens Love Belly Rubs?

    Okay, so, a few of our flock of 7 hens (about 20 weeks old now) REALLY love to get their bellies rubbed, in particular my Barred Rock and Easter Egger. It literally puts them into a lull--they'll let their wings droop, dozily chatter, and start to fall asleep no matter the time of day. Often...
  5. S

    Bad legs

    I am hatching guinea fowl in an incubator for my boss, Not knowing anything about them. 3 hatched with bad legs. They aren't able to stand. I thought it was sprayed leg, I put braces on them. They aren't standing up though, the legs are just out behind the chicks while they are laying on their...
  6. Sunshine Flock

    Tips on undercarriage wound maintenance and healing

    I thought I'd start a separate discussion for this from my coyote thread. My rooster has a wound on his belly. I didn't discover it until a few days after a coyote attack. It's centered and a few inches north of his vent. At first I thought the green was bruising, but now that I've flushed it...
  7. Familyofchicks

    5 weeks baby chicks question! Tired and not playing help!!!!

    Hi y'all I just wanted to ask a question about my babies. I have 9 beautiful grown 5 week old chicks and today I've noticed something off about majority oh them. They are sleeping so much. When I normally let them out in the morning to eat and play they are so energetic and running all over the...
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