behavior change

  1. Chicken6000

    Rooster acting weird towards hen?

    So lately all of the hens were broody, I know crazy... They all broke from their broody phase after not hatching any eggs (we used fakes since they were all broody, after they all left their nesting boxes we noticed that the rooster was a little overwhelmed with all the hens back and active, I'm...
  2. holiduck

    Natural hatch questions

    Hi, I am taking care of friends' young duck couple who had never gone broody before. It's about day 24-26 (I don't bother them and they did remove some non-viables in the first 2 weeks, so anything is only approximate). Their behavior is different this morning - normally he gets her up, they...
  3. N

    My drake is acting aggressive twards me and his friend

    Hi I have two 8 months anacona and one Pekin the Pekin one is acting very aggressive for about a week now..He is constantly biting me when I try to change their water and food and he run after my sister very rapidly to bite her foot today..He was chasing her basically..He also bites...
  4. J

    Old english pheasant fowl

    I have an old english pheasant fowl who has been laying and happy, however the last few days after foraging and eating layers when let out in the morning for an hour she returns to the coup and stays there! SHe has not been laying the past few days. Is this normal behaviour? It hasn't been that...
  5. Littlefoxhat

    Signs of a molt coming or something worse?

    Hi all, I have a flock of four hens that have been laying for about two months. About two weeks ago 8/8 one of my girls (black australorp) seemed like she might be egg bound; straining, sitting a lot on the run floor, standing a little funny, she just seemed "off" in her behavior mostly. I...
  6. L

    Please help :( my chickens are scared of me. Rooster problems?

    I’ll try to keep this brief! We got our 11 chicks back in august and got 1 rooster and 10 hens, which is exactly what we wanted. I raised them all by hand and they’ve always been very friendly with me. When we transferred them outside anytime I open the door and come out they run to the edge to...
  7. Chickenwithnobrim

    1 week old chick sparring

    So is sparring this early a good indication of being a rooster? They are exactly 8 days old. My one chick tried to spar today with its siblings, full kicks and neck poof. It was ridiculous seeing a ball of fluff karate kicking. Im already calling it a he because hes the most cuddly and bonded to...
  8. L

    Help!!! Hen acting strange and laying slab sided eggs

    First time posting here, but desperate to get information and answers. Our beloved Redstar, Goldie, who is a champion layer, has been exhibiting very strange behaviors recently. One minute she's her usual, active self - very food motivated and always running/scratching. She's eating and...
  9. L

    Hen acting weird and laying slab sided eggs

    First time posting here, but desperate to get information and answers. Our beloved Redstar, Goldie, who is a champion layer, has been exhibiting very strange behaviors recently. One minute she's her usual, active self - very food motivated and always running/scratching. She's eating and...
  10. Akachicklil

    Hen is Injured or Sick. Please help.

    Hello Everyone, Ive gone over potential differentials and I’ve come down to one; bumblefoot. Main concern is change in activity, eating pattern, and poop change. Im not sure if anything else is going on or if this is just a result of bumble foot. Below I will try my best to provide a past and...
  11. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Signs Chicken is *ABOUT* to Start a Molt

    My flock boss, Willow, a hybrid RIR, is having a rough summer. Health-wise, she'd been great. She's almost 3.5 years old and she's been laying quite well all through the summer--though, slightly less than the previous summer, which I understand to be normal. However, over the last week or two...
  12. N

    silkie is being mean

    Hi, I am new to the chicken world, in April i got a black silkie and a rhode island red hen as chicks together. Up until last week everything has been great, playful, happy, could pick them up. Then out of nowhere the silkie became aggressive. They are not laying eggs yet. She will charge...
  13. R

    Hen not Laying and Suddenly Aggressive

    Hello all! I'm wondering if anyone could help me figure out what's going on with my 4-year-old Ameracauna, Belle. For context, she is one of three backyard hens, the other two being Dominiques. Unfortunately, this past winter, our Australorp and other Americauna passed away, which may be...
  14. NukiTruk

    Unknown duck behavior

    Hi all, I'm fairly new to keeping ducks, just over a year, and notice 'weird' behavior in our 1 year old hen. Hope to find some answers or ideas here of what this could be. I'll try to give as much info possible, if needed more I'll be glad to provide it. Firstly she stopped laying eggs 4...
  15. CloneFly

    Possible Cockatiel Mating? Birds are acting strange...

    Hello! I own several cockatiels, and have some suspicions/concerns about a possible mating between two of them. My birds are about 15 mths and I recently noticed my male lutino (Mango) acting very friendly towards my Pearl split 2 Pied female, (Pïppïn). Now please bear with me while I delve...
  16. QuailsAreSmallDinosaurs

    Help! A sudden behavior change!

    Recently, one of my button quail's behavior changed a lot. This had me very confused and I honestly don't know what to do, I need some help. In the beginning of January I bought two button quails from a local pet store, according to the employee they are both females. One is white and the other...
  17. My Bagurks

    Depressed rooster?

    I have a flock of 32 chickens. I currently have 5 roosters (I know, I know) but I am trying to downsize my flock. I put an ad up on a local website and sold two hens on Saturday. I will get the rooster to hen ratio correct soon, but wanted to give people that could use laying hens or roosters a...
  18. Countryhippie

    Rooster Squatting

    My Rooster is roughly 16 weeks old and over the past week I noticed a new strange behavior. Every time I go near him he squats close to the ground and creeps away. I don’t know why he started doing this as up to a week ago he would come running over to me to get his treats. It’s like he’s...
  19. C

    Help! Sick chicken since August! Keeps laying down, losing weight, not laying, lethargic

    A little backstory: I have a Lavender Orpington hen that was born June 2019. She was vaccinated for Mereks by the hatchery before being shipped. On September 2020 she was attacked by a wild animal and survived bites on her back and neck. With a lot of TLC, she was better and acting normal with...
  20. junibug

    hen scared of me

    hello! i posted a while back about my hen, leela. she’s healing well after the attack, but is absolutely terrified of me now! she’s always been the most affectionate and tame chicken ever :( everytime i move towards her, she does the hen squat (?) which she’s never done before, and when i picked...
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