
  1. I

    Broken Beak

    I walked into my backyard to find one of my hens fighting with a small mouse. From what I saw, my hen was winning and the mouse disappeared. But looking closer I saw blood in my hens mouth and assumed it wasn’t hers. But as you can see in the picture she seemed to have broke her beak while...
  2. chickennl0ver

    unknown thing in hens beak/mouth, help!

    okay so i have a 2 year old splash cochin and yesterday i was holding her and i noticed something weird in her mouth? it could be normal but its something ive never seen before so i just wanted to come on here and see if anyone knew what it could be, because it looks kinda sharp and out of...
  3. W

    Concerns over Nare

    New to BYC and have been lurking ehile I raise chickens for the first time. Very fulfilling experience so far. We have 4 black Australorp hens we call The March Sisters since they were hatched in March. Lately I’ve been curious about one of their nares, we’ll call this one Amy. Amy is healthy...
  4. SnowInBuffalo

    Beak trimmed too much?

    My stepsister bought 9 chickens all with an extremely short beak. The fox killed 8 so I got the remaining chicken to put with my 3 pet chickens. This chicken loves corn but is unable to eat it off the cob after I cooked it. All my chickens eat corn off the cob. I also gave them cucumber another...
  5. R

    Scab on my roosters beak

    This is the first time I have seen this in my flock. My roosters beak is dry and has this scab on it. None of the others in his flock have it. It does not appear to bother him. He has minimal dry skin and feather loss on his neck, too. Any ideas what it could be and how should I treat it? Thanks!
  6. katie_94

    Should I be worried about my chicken's beak?

    First time chicken owner. This girl here is 5 months old and I don't spend a lot of time with them bc of work and school but while giving them treats I noticed something odd about her beak. She eats/drinks/scavenges just fine. As far as I've witnessed, there's never been fighting or aggression...
  7. C

    Bloody broken beak…

    Came outside this morning and three of my girls have bloody or broken weeks. I’m assuming they were trying to get something on the other side of the fence, what can I do? Should I separate them so they don’t get picked? Thank you!!
  8. r_o_o_s_t_e_r

    sick hen and swollen rooster face

    im more concerned about the hen because she’s not active. the rooster is still active, just has had a lump on his face for the past couple days. he’s acting as normal. but the hen isnt moving, and the way shes standing almost looks like a tom’s strut. shes very lethargic and isnt eating much...
  9. G

    Little shell (?) on tip of beak

    Hi! This might be a silly question. Quick background: I'm a (very) new hen mom and have been doing all the research and right (to me!) things. Anyway, picked up my little baby banties today from the post office--legit drove like Cruella DeVille to get them, I was so excited--and so far everyone...
  10. F

    my rooster tongue is attached to his down/lower area of his beak, hes also been acting weak from 2 days, please help.

    so around 27 days ago, i noticed he was yawning a lot and a bit of head shaking, i searched and i found out that he shares symptoms of either gapeworm, respiratory disease or ear infection, he didn't seem to share much symptom of either of those at the time, he was yawning a lot, sometime...
  11. Meidvsalith

    Beak Deformity (Underbite and Straight Lower Beak)

    This is my princess Fatima. I was wondering if anyone has experience with deformities such as this. For the most part she can eat fine, but she can’t peck like normal. Kinda makes me laugh and feel sad at the same time.
  12. T

    HELP cracked beak!

    My poor little guy just got his beak stuck in the chicken fence and cracked his beak. It was bleeding quite a bit and I'm wondering what to do. I read that sometimes its best to leave it be since they can repair themselves, but I'm really not sure.
  13. Jlmiller5289

    Tip of beak broke off

    First time chicken owner here. When I was letting my chickens out this morning I noticed one of my little girls is missing the tip of her beak 🥺 I know it’s probably not a huge issue as I’ve read they will grow back… But is there anything I need to do? Should I watch for anything? Will this...
  14. G

    What's wrong with this ducklings beak?

    This little guy is the only one who hatched out of 9 eggs. (Only 1 other duckling pipped and sadly it died not long after it pipped externally) Once this little guy made a hole big enough, I can see that his beak is injured. It looked skinned and raw. After being pipped externally for almost 2...
  15. J

    Beak injury

    Went out to check the quail before bed one more time today and noticed that one’s beak is bleeding and broken on the tip. What can I do to help stop the bleeding? She is currently separated and being monitored. The tip of the beak is not bleeding horribly, but would like to help stop it for...
  16. Blazinga

    Should I worry about beak size.

    I know they're young, but the length of the beak is worrying. What experiences have you had with beak size in chicks?
  17. Chirpy_Girl

    Black streak, should I be worried?

    One of my girls has a black streak in her beak. It’s not raised or textured, but it has grown in length. She is perfectly happy and it doesn’t seem to bother her at all. Should I be worried?
  18. hugitnotnugget

    What’s wrong with her beak?

    There was a slight dented line about a year ago and it has gotten bigger and now there is grey... hard stuff in her nostrils. Is this always there and we can just see it now. Is this all due to age? She will be 11 this July. No significant injuries to her head. Survived 3 fly strikes in the past...
  19. V

    Broken beak treatment?

    One of our new Americana pullets seems to have injured her beak. They were just introduced to the coop last night after a few days of being caged nearby. All of our chickens are free range. The flock went out to graze and the 4 pullets stayed in the coop. Anything I can do outside of separation...
  20. micknapp

    Pullet has split beak?

    Hi! My 9 m/o EE has a split beak. (photo) She isn’t having any issues eating or foraging or preening or pecking at people. it has no affect on her life whatsoever. she just looks like she has a gap-tooth. I’ve tried to trim it back and place one of those manicure saver fiber things with...
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