barred rock

  1. ChiknforME

    7 of 25 Laying

    I have gathered 25 laying hens over the past couple of months. 9 were younger pullets and the rest were laying prior to me acquiring them. I am getting 5-7 eggs a day. Is this normal? They have access to oyster shell and get layer crumbles.
  2. 4Urbanchix

    Barred Rock sex?

    Does anyone know if these are pullers or cockerels? The first pictures are 1 and the other pictures with the pot are the other one. They are 6 weeks old
  3. L

    hard abdomen

    My 3 year old Barred rock named Betsy has a hard abdomen. We noticed a poopy butt yesterday and some lethargy. We kept her inside overnight, gave her a warm soak and fed her yogurt and crushed boiled egg. Any ideas before we bring her to the vet? She doesn't appear to be waddling or tail...
  4. 23kthistlethwaite

    Barred Rock Gender?

    Hi! I bought a couple barred rock pullets but one of the chick’s combs is significantly more developed than the other’s. I didn’t know if this was any indication that she is really a he or if she is just going to have a larger comb. They are 5 weeks tomorrow. (She was very cooperative with...
  5. Disintegration

    Photos of Heritage Barred Rocks from Meyer Hatchery?

    Does anyone have Heritage Barred Rocks from Meyer Hatchery? I'm thinking of ordering from Meyer just so I can get a Heritage Barred Rock rooster. I'm wanting to show my chickens through my school's FFA and I think it might be worth the extra money to start off with a chicken that better fits the...
  6. B

    Putting chicks outside

    I'm in ohio. It's currently in the 40s with lows getting down into the 20s for a few more days still as I'm finishing up the coop and run. They are barred rocks and are 7 weeks. Will be about 8 by the time the coop is finished up. They have plenty of space still where they are I'm just ready for...
  7. RainValleyFarm

    Barred rock or sex link?

    I bought this chick from rural king as a barred rock but I’m definitely second guessing this. She looks to be a black star sex link to me? I know time will tell but just curious on your thoughts?
  8. R

    Want to Cross Barred Rocks with ?

    Hi all new member here. I have a flock of all Barred Rocks, hatchery quality. I have one roo about 7-8 months old, 13 hens about 10-11 months old and 1 pullet and 1 cockerel from a broody mama. This is my first flock. They free range and self roost in the coop at night. I raised the hens and got...
  9. Little Chicken Lady

    What breed laid this egg?

    Hey guys! We got our first egg today! I have five hens that are of laying age and I can't figure out which one laid this giant egg! We have a barred rock, a blue copper maran, a production red, a silver laced wyandotte, and a light brown leghorn. I think I have narrowed it down to either the...
  10. M

    Help me play Barred Rock: Pullet or Cockerel.

    Harriet is 5 weeks old. 1 week younger than the other 3 chicks, really spunky, nosy, always stealing food...feisty but sweet, and from Rural King. Is Harriet a Harold?
  11. B

    2 wk old Chick keeping head down

    Hi I have a 2 week old barred rock chick about a week ago I noticed she always had her head tucked down but I just assumed she was tired, I’ve been keeping an eye on her and have noticed it’s all the time sometimes I’ll see her lift it for a second but she puts it back down right away. I’m...
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  13. Barredrocker99

    Integrating chicks into a flock?

    Hello all!! I have ten hens, they’re all pullets, and they’re absolutely lovely! I would love to add to the flock, though. How would the chickens fare if I got some new chicks? I know a lot of the time when you add new chickens to a flock that has already established a pecking order and whatnot...
  14. EHaag

    First Time Chicken Owner - Very First Egg!

    Hello all! I have a forum that explains the story of our sweet rescue chicken and this will include her new flock of friends we recently adopted.The link is here: Mabel's Story The exciting news is that we got our very first egg today! We adopted 3 one-year-old chickens from a local suburban...
  15. Ouwendyker

    Breeding California Grey Chickens

    I currently have a dozen white leghorn hens, thinkin about breeding them with a barred rock rooster to get california grey chicks. My question is, does it need to be a purebred barred rock rooster to get the autosexing trait, or can it be any rooster that has barring?
  16. alknoll

    Do Barred Plymouth Rock roosters have blue tail feathers?

    I am deciding which breed rooster to add to my flock and saw a beautiful photo online of a BPR roo that had some blue tail feathers. Is that common or did someone cross BPR with another breed to achieve that? thanks!
  17. P

    Barred rock pullets laying in winter.

    Hey guys this is my first time with chickens this winter. I have 4 barred rock hens that are 18 weeks old. Do you think I will see any eggs this winter? I’ve heard mixed things, some say they will lay in the winter others say they will wait until the days get longer. What is your experience with...
  18. City2CountryGirl

    Gurgling sound?

    I was out with my chickens earlier and one of my pullets had a gurgling, bubbling sound to them? Can they get sick? Like catch a cold? or have digestion problems? seems to be fine I mean running around and foraging? I was just curious. Thank you
  19. Barredrocker99

    All of my hens have stopped laying eggs?

    I have 10 hens, and they’re about 7 months old. I was getting eggs from just about all of them daily, and for the last few days they’ve all just stopped laying. I’ve gotten about four eggs total in the last four days. It’s definitely getting colder here, could that be the reason, or is it...
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