
  1. T

    Chicken with missing neck and bum feathers

    Hey all, I got this lavender Orpington in December 2023, she’s around 1.5-2 years old and laying great. When I got her, they said she moulted and never grew feathers back. I did watch another chicken peck at her neck but I got no peck spray and that stopped. I’ve tried Epsom salt baths, I...
  2. MamaPoult

    Why is my brahma not growing anything??

    Hey guys! So I have this really weird thing going on with 6 week-ish old my brahma chick. He isn't growing up and he's bald!! All my other ones are thriving and fully feathered. I am 100% positive he is getting food and water. What's going on here? I feed Alaska Mill and Feed chick crumble and...
  3. LilHitzel

    Bald Neck - 10 Months Old

    Hi! I don’t think this is necessarily an injury, but I’m not sure. Her neck has been bald for a couple of months now. No signs of mites or any other infestation, all of the hens get along super well and I don’t have any roosters. Is she just going through a molt? My Easter Egger also had the...
  4. crumb

    Male Pekin Ducks Over Fighting

    For some background I have three, two year old male pekins and no females. One of our pekins has been getting badly mauled by another and separating them is not really a perfect option right now. Any advice on what to do? Should I be treating the balding spot of his neck or covering it with...
  5. S

    Balding and swelling around eye

    Hi there, Has anyone seen something like this before? I noticed a couple days ago that my chicken's eye comb and feathers are gone and her eye lid seems to be swollen. Besides that, her behavior is normal. She's still eating and drinking and sticking with the rest of the flock. Any suggestions...
  6. D

    Bald patch

    Trying to figure out what’s going on with my girl here. In a flock of 15. I brought her in for a “bath” because I had seen a bit of poop on her bum feathers. (Fluffy butt) When I picked her up I noticed the bald patch on her belly. Hard to tell in the pic but she’s sitting on her bottom here...
  7. L

    My chicken has some big bald spots on her back

    I have 19 hens and no roosters all of them are coming up on 2 years old. One of my chicken has some big bald spots on her back that are getting worse and I'm looking for some advice. I'm gonna be setting up a separate area for her so I can seperate her from the flock but if there's something I...
  8. RosyChickens

    Molting? Or something else

    This is foxy, a 1 year old golden sex link, a star egg layer, queen of the free range flock of 5 mixed birds, in Oregon. Her favorite food is worms, and she will greet your car when you pull in. About a week ago I noticed a bald spot on her neck, it’s on both sides in the same place, I didn’t...
  9. M

    Crooked neck 6 weeks

    Hi everyone, I am a teacher and know nothing about raising chicks. My school hatched some eggs, one was taking way over 24 hours and I helped it ( I then read online that I shouldn’t have).In any case this chick is now 6 weeks old with a crooked neck and bald patches. He eats and grows well but...
  10. Chickadee00

    Bald spot

    My new hen got a bald spot on her neck, just noticed it when I brought her home, should I be concerned? What's the cause of that? Thanks
  11. inquisitivebird

    Chick hatched with Bald spot on head

    I just hatched a chick that has a bald spot on its head. It is a Dorking Orpington leghorn cross. Half Dorking. Has anyone seen this before? What is it? Other than the spot the chick seems healthy.
  12. D

    My new chicken has bald spots… I’m new!

    Hello all! I got two chickens today from a place off of the road in a rural town. The chickens there seemed to have a large pen and it was not over crowded. I got handed two chickens- one with a full set of feathers and another with some bald spots of raw red skin ://. It was pouring so in the...
  13. R

    2 week old chicks losing back feathers

    Please help me with this thread: I have two week old chicks yesterday found with bald spots on their back near the tail area. Could this be caused by parasite? Or is just pecking by others? 5 out of 7 chicks have...
  14. H

    Novice owner. Chicken losing feathers, recently started acting funny too.

    Hello, I'm very thankful there is a community for something like this. I am relatively new to chickens. My flock is 3 laying hens. My oldest is sick. She was my first chicken as we found her abandoned in the Australian bush. We took her to the vet when we first decided to adopt her. He said...
  15. Laineyloo

    Bald underbelly

    Help please! I’ve been watching one of my hens for the last couple of weeks gradually lose the feathers under her tummy. She doesn’t seem uncomfortable and is still laying. I’ve checked her for mites and made sure she’s not roosting where there’s poop. She does have a few new pin feathers coming...
  16. KristiM

    Bald spots, no injuries

    One of my hens has a few bald spots behind her comb, and another hen is developing one by her ear. I got ahold of each of them and I don’t see any injury to the skin, no damage or skin issues... just... baldness. I’ve checked them over for mites or anything, and they all look really clean and...
  17. DoubleYolk123

    Chickens losing feathers due to a skin disease or just molting?

    Hi, I have a brown hybrid who had a small bold patch for a while now, but recently it’s started growing and at first I thought I’d was melting but no one else seem to be doing the same. The skin seems a little sore on one spot but there is no blood or cuts and the she doesn’t seem to flinch if...
  18. M

    Hair fall

    I have three baby ducks and and they are 1 and a half month old. As they were growing up i noticed some bald patches on their neck and wings. It has gotten worse and they have lost a lot of hair. I don't know what to do. Please let me know if this is normal or are they suffering from a disease
  19. ginny_e

    Complete molt or something else?

    Hello, I've got a year and a half year old cochin hen that is dropping her feathers like crazy. I checked for lice/mites, and nothing. Her skin looks really healthy, but if you touch her, her feathers fall out. She's not picking at them either. Within a day she has huge bald spots. I moved...
  20. bkbandit

    Bald spots and changing colors.

    I have 10 chickens. 8 Rhode Island Red's and 2 Black Sex Links. I bought them from Tractor Supply in December of 2016. For the last few months, the reds have been loosing feather color. Currently they are 1/3-1/2 white. The Black Sex Link's color seems to have faded a little. All ten of them...
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