backyard chickens

  1. fawnfriend

    My flock 4 months later

    Well I’ve had these guys since Apiril 4th and I know for sure I’ve got once rooster because he’s started crowing at 5:30 I love all these little fluffs by I am also coming to accept I’m going to have to trim down soon and sell off a few because my yard is way too small! But I don’t have many...
  2. Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring?

    Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring?

    Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring? Can or does chicken raising ever get dull? I’ve been at this chicken keeping business for years now. I don’t know about you, but when I first began my journey, it seemed as though I couldn’t learn enough about chickens. I read every book about chickens at...
  3. T

    Introducing Myself!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens, although my husband has had some experience raising chickens when he was a child and teenager. My dad raised chickens after I was already out of the house and while I learned a lot when visiting, I...
  4. chickenkeeperUS

    Little about me and my small backyard chicken flock!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I had chickens for about 5 years now? We just got our first rooster though a couple months ago, so I am super excited about that. I always wanted a rooster with chickens. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have a rooster...
  5. ChickyChicksxo

    Backyard Chickens...

    I would rather be playing with my backyard chickens! Isn't this cute???? :)
  6. Kingerrrr

    BYC: Getting started

    Hello everyone, first time post here. I recently convinced my partner to allow me to get some chickens! She has told me she is "afraid" of chickens, but she knows this is something I have wanted for some time; after a lot of research and chicken videos she is finally on board! Little does she...
  7. MamaB5272

    New chicken owner concerns

    I have a small flock of 5. Mother hen and 4 pullets the hen is being very aggressive to one hen in particular, she does stand out could possible be the oldest she's the only one with wattle and comb visible, hen keeps charging at her and pecking at her it's like she's banned from the group she...
  8. Ryn's Flock

    Ryn's Flock

  9. Sour Crop Treatment Naturally & Medically

    Sour Crop Treatment Naturally & Medically

    Sour Crop Thrush, Yeast Infection, Moniliasis Sour crop, a common name for candidiasis or candida. Candida is a crop yeast Bacteria There are several different species of Candida that can cause infection in chickens, but the common is C. albicans. Candida species are a normal part of a...
  10. ChicoMcRooster

    Championship Chickens to be shown in Victorville, California, Saturday, Dec 2, 2017

    Pacific Coast Bantam Club sponsors this giant show of many beautiful championship pure bred chickens, turkeys, ducks, more. Please consider attending to learn a lot & enjoy many many gorgeous roosters & hens of many different breeds. San Bernardino County Fairgrounds in Victorville, California...
  11. ChicoMcRooster

    Championship Chickens to be shown in Victorville, California, Saturday, Dec 2, 2017

    Pacific Coast Bantam Club sponsors this giant show of many beautiful championship pure bred chickens, turkeys, ducks, more. Please consider attending to learn a lot & enjoy many many gorgeous roosters & hens of many different breeds. San Bernardino County Fairgrounds in Victorville...
  12. HeidiEmbrey

    Vote for me to help me get my chickens please?

    Hello, I am in a contest to win a $500 grant from the Florida Permaculture Convergence to buy the things I need to finally get my chickens. If you would be so kind as to vote for me please send your name (you may use an alias) and the subject ''Voting Heidi's Chickens'' to the Florida...
  13. TheMonroeChicks

    Awesome Coop!

    I am in LOVE with my new coop from SanTan Valley Coops! Marco built it in Arizona, and delivered it to LA, assembling it on my property. I opted to paint it and embellish. Am obsessed. Just wanted you all to see.
  14. SweetE

    Suddenly found one of my chickens dead :(

    I have no clue as to why my hen would be dead this morning. We had a regular morning. I went out at 6 AM to feed, water and pet my flock. They are well trained (or I am) because they know if they start cackling I'll come to open the coop door and let them graze in the yard. Little Bo Peep was...
  15. Hippie Chickie ૐ

    Chickens freaking out first week in coop

    Hi, I have 3, 6 week old chickens that I just put outside in a temporary coop (almost done building the actual coop+run), and every night just before the sun is about to go down, they all freak out. They chirp loud and persistently, they fly to the top of the run and Flap around. I have a hell...
  16. hannahsflock

    The Frizzle Thread

    Because I absolutely love frizzles, I decided to create a thread where we can post photos of our frizzly chooks. To start things off, here are a couple of photos of my Wheaten Cochin Bantam frizzles, as well as my Polish frizzle rooster. Now let's see yours! :caf
  17. J

    New member

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had my hens for about 2 years now; I started with 4 and have 10 now. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 10 (3) What breeds do you have? Australaarps (2), Campine (1), Naked Neck (1), Easter Eggers (2), White buff...
  18. K

    Stumped by a predator. Help!

    We just expanded our a chicken run for our 4 back yard city chickens. We had never had a single problem with predators before. We live in Louisville, KY in the middle of the city. I grew up on a farm and raised tons and tons of free range chickens and like to think I know how to keep them safe...
  19. Fluttering-about

    Can I build nesting boxes in the run?

    My chicken house is a bit small. - OK really small! I made the mistake of buying a darling chicken house on Amazon. WOW what a mistake. There isn't even room for a roost. So, seeing as my girls are sleeping in the "nesting boxes", really just an extra space divided in two, should I build...
  20. Fluttering-about


    I'm Nicole, and am thrilled to have found this site. I have actually been "stalking" for quite a while before I joined. We are a new chicken family, (and I say family because my youngest son who is 12, has taken on the role of chicken whisperer). I have wanted chickens for years now. I won't eat...
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