air sac

  1. horselove

    When to treat subcutaneous emphysema (ruptured air sac) in wild finch?

    Yesterday I found a finch (adult female) unable to properly fly but otherwise appearing healthy, I kept her on the porch for safety and monitoring, and this morning she had a large air bubble, approximately the size of her skull, on the back left of her neck. This evening the bubble had expanded...
  2. M

    Air sac off?

    Hey I’m canceling my eggs and one eggs air sac is off a little. (See attached) My eggs are due to hats in about 1-3 days. I wish I knew exactly but my hen laid when I was out of town. I really am determined to have a higher success rate I am a newer Hatcher. This is my first time incubating...
  3. M

    Difference in air sac size for the same hatch

    Greetings Peeps! (see what I did there?) I am wondering if some of you may have insight on the air sack size discrepancy between eggs for my current hatch. I am on day 21 of hatching 15 straight run chicken eggs from a friend with a backyard chicken flock. I am using a Hova -Bator circulated...
  4. PhoenixManz

    Day 12 air sac size - too small?

    Hi all! I'm wondering if the air sacs for some of these are too small for day 12? Humidity has been between 30% and 55% (I let it fall down to 30% before bringing it up to 55% again, usually twice a day). Just wondering if I should decrease the humidity for the coming days. Looking forward to...
  5. VictorGalluno

    Presentation and question. Lump in a chicken.

    Hello! Since I was a little child I have had chickens. Now I have 11 chickens and a rooster. I raise them and I love them, they are great. None have a pure breed. Only one but I don't know it. Many have Mapuche chicken ancestry (collonka or araucana). Others with bare necks. About me: I am from...
  6. L

    Air sac help?!

    Hi, I have 10 eggs in an incubator currently on day 23. The ringed teal eggs are doing great and the air cell is the right size. The wood ducks are way too small for day 23. More day 10. Confused as they in the same incubator. Any help or ideas on what I could do this late on?
  7. L

    First time incubating - Coturnix Quail eggs. Air sac too small? And other questions

    Hi, This is my first time incubating eggs. They're Coturnix Quail shipped eggs. From 41 eggs I started with I'm now left with 19 developed eggs that I have just put into lockdown. The rest didn't develop or died at day 5-6. We're at day 15 right now. It's the first time I do this, I started...
  8. M

    2 air sacs in goose egg?

    Hello, i am incubating 2 goose eggs and one of them is already hatched yesterday. Today is day 31 but the other one did not crack yet and there is no sound inside. I candled now and looks like there is air sac both sides. Eggs were from the same goose. Do you think its dead inside or i should...
  9. F

    Worried about air sac size of mallard duck eggs

    I am currently incubating mallard duck eggs and are at day 24, their air sacs match around day 21. Should I be worried when going into lockdown tomorrow? I am also curious about how the air sacs grow in the last days before hatching. Since the humidity is increased for the last 3 days what...
  10. H

    Duck Eggs Alive Veins Pipping

    Hi there everyone 😊 I'm completely new to caring for Duck Eggs!! - A Duck laid 14 in our garden and then a cat killed one and scared the mother away :( So I've decided to look after them. They have been in the incubator I bought for them roughly two days, and I've noticed a little crack on one...
  11. VirulentVulpine

    [Pics] Swollen Air Sac / Crop (Possibly subcutaneous emphysema?)

    After getting trampled, a turken chick of mine had ballooning in his air sac and crop. At first I assumed it was sour crop but massaging while he was upside down did nothing, and nothing came out either. I looked it up on BYC and I think it was subcutaneous emphysema, so I followed advice given...
  12. Hilltop Flock

    Day 12 air sac development

    Does this air sac look too large for day 12? It’s a blue green egg that is particularly round. I’ve been keeping humidity between 25-35%.
  13. Wild-Turkey

    Saddle Shaped Air Cells in Shipped Turkey Eggs - Day 8

    A while ago I ordered turkey hatching eggs, they arrived with slightly detached air cells that moved when they were tilted (they stayed in the general area of the wide end of the egg). I kept them in an egg carton on the pointy end for around 32 hours. They stopped moving as much so I decided to...
  14. A

    Duck Egg incubation

    I have been incubating a duck egg I found on Easter Sunday. It appears to be doing well and I have been seeing quite a lot of movement when I have candled it. However, the pointy end has quite a lot of free space and I’m not sure if this is a problem? There is an air sac at the rounded end. So...
  15. Little Cute Lily

    Are the air sacs okay?

    Hello, it's my first time hatching duck eggs. I got them shipped from ebay and I've been monitoring their growth. I check for movement and they seem to be doing good. My concern is the air sacs seem to be a weird shape. Also I have no idea if they are too big or too small. I didn't pencil the...
  16. JennyPatty84

    Saddle Sac! How should I lay the egg to increase likelihood of surviving hatch?

    Help!! I shipped Croad Langshan eggs 2700km and they were all scrambled from shipping except for one. This little guy, that I’ve named Bruce Lee (in hopes it’s good karma for him to “ninja” his way out of the shell) is on day 16. He’s pretty feisty when I candle him, but he does have a saddle...
  17. B

    Air Cell/Sac Help!

    Hi, I’m incubating eggs in an incubator for the first time. The temperature has been consistent but the humidity has been from 30-70% in the last 2 days despite me trying to regulate it to between 45-55%. It’s day 13 and I’ve taken a picture of a couple of my eggs and I was just wondering if...
  18. B

    Air safe Questions

    Hi, I’m incubating eggs in an incubator for the first time. The temperature has been consistent but the humidity has been from 30-70% in the last 2 days despite me trying to regulate it to between 45-55%. It’s day 13 and I’ve taken a picture of a couple of my eggs and I was just wondering if...
  19. K

    Ducks eggs that are slow to develop

    Has anyone ever had duck eggs that look under developed? I’m on day 24 of incubating and I’ve got 6 eggs that look like they should as far as development goes. But I’ve got two eggs that look more like they are a few days behind in incubation and event their air sacs are smaller. Has anyone ever...
  20. C

    Dips in air sac?

    Two of my goose eggs (collected at the same time) have dips in their air sacs? Last time I candled was a few days ago and veins were visible with movement in both eggs. I stopped turning just today and noticed the dips in each air sacs. They should be hatching soon I believe, as they’re solidly...
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