aggressive rooster

  1. Sandychic

    My rooster killed a hen

    I have 4 hens ( 2 Banties,an Americana, and a silken). All about 2 yrs old and a young rooster 5 months. Last night when I locked up the coop I noticed that one of my Little Banties was missing. This morning I found her in the coop dead under some leaves pretty beat up. Her back feathers torn...
  2. lizziemt

    Aggressive young roo attacking one young hen

    Hello, all, I'm a first time poster. I have 4 pullets that I thought were hens. I've had suspicions that one, if not two, were roos. But hadn't heard a cockle doddle doo until today. We purchased 2 auracana chicks and 2 buff orpiington's from the local feed store in April. One of the...
  3. C

    My Neighbors Rooster

    My neighbors new rooster has been coming over to my house and hanging out with my hens and ducks. Now, this is a huge rooster. The biggest I've ever seen, I'm not sure what breed he is but he's a more so white chicken with black markings, resembles a Plymouth Rock Rooster. Anyways, Iv'e chased...
  4. KelsiJH

    Rooster attacking new ducks

    I have 8 hens (mix of RIR and BO) and one RIR rooster who are all about 16 weeks old. I have 1 male Rouen who sadly lost his duck friend to a predator earlier this summer, so I got 2 new ducks to keep him company. They are about 6 weeks old and I've had them in the coop for 3-4 weeks with...
  5. S

    Aggressive roo

    My Red Ranger rooster was the sweetest chick but at 7 or 8 weeks he turned into the roo from hell. I used to enjoy hanging out with my backyard peeps while I did outdoor chores but now I have to carry a broom to hold him away from me. The challenge is to protect myself without hurting him. I...
  6. A

    Aggressive Welsummer Rooster needs home

    Our Welsummer Rooster is just too aggressive to have around my toddlers. He's about 1 year old and has successfully fathered chicks. He is a wonderful protector to his flock (we haven't lost a bird to predators since he grew up) and coexists successfully with other breeds and with ducks. We are...
  7. L

    Aggressive Rooster, Help With Decision?

    Heyo. Recently, I posted a thread asking why my rooster was acting so aggressive. (I still appreciate answers on that thread as well). Many people responded, the majority advising me to get rid of it. If I do get rid of it, I'll have to cull it, because I don't want to put an aggressive rooster...
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