5 weeks

  1. I

    Black Australorp - Roo or Pullet 5 weeks old

    Hey Everyone! I've been researching sexing Black Australorps and I'm at all loss here, so I'm hoping someone might have experience with this breed and help me out :) We added to our flock this year and I was so excited to find Black Australorps at our local feed store. They were supposed to be...
  2. aryucrazy

    Silkie chick color question

    I have some 5 week old silkies I hatched from bought eggs. I'm not totally sure the genetics of the parents. Can anyone tell me what color this one is?
  3. Kattzombiee

    5 weeks tomorrow, gender guesses?

    These babies will all be 5 weeks tomorrow. They're a mix of Easter Eggers, rhode island reds, and/or black andalusian. I think I have 2 boys and 5 pullets. Anyone thinking something otherwise?
  4. flawedglitch

    5-6 week update

    Was pretty suspicious of this guy when he was only about 2 weeks of age. Posted here before when he was ~3-4 weeks. He’s now 5 1/2 weeks and I don’t think there’s any doubt left that he’s a cockerel! Still wanted to check in and have a few second opinions again now that he’s older (just in...
  5. C

    Can anyone tell the sex of any of my flock or is it too early? They’re coming up on six weeks.

    Ive got a black silkie, salmon faverolle, buff and lavender orpingtons, a sapphire gem and sapphire egger, a gold laced wyandotte, silver laced polish, a cinnamon queen, and an americauna.
  6. Essentiallyokanaganmom

    Silkie chick with splay/spraddle leg

    So one of our silkies wasn't growing, and we discovered she was having trouble walking, so we've hobbled her legs with vet tape (about 2 weeks ago) and she seems to be doing a lot better...she's eating and drinking...and although she's still the size of a 3 week old chick instead of 5 week old...
  7. S

    5.5 Week Old Speckled Sussex - Hen?

    This one is throwing me for a loop. It has a short stubby tail and thick legs, but it is so much darker than the roo I had at this age - way less white on the face and chest. Also my roo had a massive tail at this age and larger comb. Thoughts? This is the second sussex I've gotten from Meyer...
  8. B

    What gender would you guess for these 5 silkies (5 weeks old, one black, one buff, 3 white)

    Number one^ Number 2^ Number 3^ Number 4^ number 5^
  9. HippyChik

    Pullets or cockrels? + mystery chicken identification

    Hi all! First time chicken owner here. I have 10 chicks that are 5 weeks old as of this past Thursday, and I'm hoping someone here can help me identify their gender as well as the breed of two of my mystery chickens and a couple of Bantams. They were all bought as day old chicks at Tractor...
  10. M

    Sexing baby silkies

    Thoughts on my baby silkie? I think this one is a roo! 5 weeks old so can't fully tell but just ideas! He jumps with the other ones and pushes around the girls sometimes.
  11. Fn87

    Surprise Batch of Cornish Hens

    Hello this is my first time raising chicks. I work at a farm and we received a shipment of 300 or so layer chicks five weeks back. Around 70 of them were leghorns, 25 are welsummers, 100 are isa browns, and 100 are various easter eggers. We have been raising them in a brooder inside our...
  12. FluffySilkie

    Chicks Fighting

    My chicks are fighting but they can’t live without eachother! I’m extremely worried about my chicks, they have been fine up until one of them started to bully another one and had it by the neck, holding on very aggressively, but....the twist is...I separated them and the one that was being...
  13. eveleychook

    4-5 Week Old Chicks Gender HELP!

    I have a few chicks to which I am unsure of gender. A barred rock, aracauna, blue or splash australorp, gold laced wyandotte, silver laced wyandotte and gold laced barnevelder. Please see below images. Pingu the Australorp Sybil the SLW Goldie the GLW Beatrice the Barred Rock...
  14. C

    Bantam D’Uccle 5 Weeks, Pullet or Cockerel?

    What do you think?
  15. We-love-chickens

    Hen or roo.

    Hi guys. I asked about my 5 buff orps a few days ago and everyone said they all look like pullets. which I totally agreed with. now we have a change in just one of them and I think it may be a roo. min just a few days the colour on the comb and wattle has gone madly red compared to the others...
  16. Gemisso

    Feed Store Amerucaunas - Trouble sexing?

    So these are my first city chickens, we aren't "allowed" roosters in the city limits but took a chance on TSC straight run Amerucaunas. We started with 6 and lost 1 that was at least two weeks younger than the rest of the batch, thanks TSC, so there are 5 left at almost 6 weeks old. My gut is...
  17. ChickenMamaBee

    Help sexing 5 week Barnevelder

    Bought her at “3 days old” as a pullet but now her comb is looking quite large and colorful... we love “her” but can’t have a rooster in our neighborhood. What do y’all think? Cockerel or pullet?? Let me know if additional pics are needed.
  18. machick

    Easter egger chick crowing at 5 weeks

    Is it possible that my 5 week old Easter Egger chick is crowing? He/She is a little bigger that the other "girls" and seems to be dominant.
  19. madisonboe

    Who wants to play- Guess that gender?!

    Here’s my two current chicks- 5 week old ‘Ameraucana’ (Easter Egger?) and 6 week old Blue Wyandotte. (they both hit their week mark in like three days) Both purchased from the feed store as pullets.
  20. H

    5 Week Old Chick Not Growing?

    I just got four - 4 week old chicks last week. 2 - Cream Crested Legbars, 1 - Olive Egger and 1 Welbar. When I got the chicks home I did notice one chick (one of the CCL's) was smaller but thought maybe it was just younger. Now 1 week has gone by and it really doesn't seem like this chick is...
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