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  1. howfunkyisurchicken

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    I have around 20 chicks in my brooder! Mostly Silkie/Sizzles with some RIRs and an OEGB mixed in. I still have eggs working in the incubator. A lot of eggs, which worries me a little since they're now a day late. I'm jealous of you all that have poults hatching! My turkey eggs aren't due until...
  2. howfunkyisurchicken

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    So far I've got 12 chicks out :) 2 RIRs, 1 OEGB and 9 Silkie/Sizzles. I had one hatch on day 18, 1 on day 19 and the rest came yesterday and last night. I still have 40-something eggs in the 'bator that dont seem to be doing anything yet :/
  3. howfunkyisurchicken

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    I locked down last night. When I opened the 'bator to add water to raise the humidity, there was already a hatched chick in there! I have lots of pips too, so hopefully I'll have more chicks by tomorrow!
  4. howfunkyisurchicken

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Ha! I've been wing slapped a few times, it HURTS! I once sported a black eye for a bit due to such an incident. People would look at me funny when I told them how it happened :/
  5. howfunkyisurchicken

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    :gig My turkey hen sounds like a cobra when you go near her. She doesn't have any eggs to sit on yet, since she doesn't want to be moved to a safe place, and every night I have to pick her up from the run and put her in the coop. She doesn't try to bite, but boy does she sound terrifying :hide
  6. howfunkyisurchicken

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Just candled my eggs. I pulled 1 black Spanish turkey (clear), 1 OEGB (blood ring) and 1 RIR (clear), not too bad I guess. I want ahead and checked my shipped eggs that are on day 4, and all I can see going on with them is that the air cells are REALLY messed up. My PO decided to deliver them...
  7. howfunkyisurchicken

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    I just candled for the first time, I think I'm on day 3? Anyway, I had to :D I have some shipped eggs coming and I needed to clear out some incubator space for them. I pulled 15 Silkie/Sizzle eggs, 13 were clears and 2 had blood rings already. The rest were looking good. If my Silkie eggs...
  8. howfunkyisurchicken

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    I'm in! I set 8 RIRs and 28 Silkie/Sizzle eggs today. There are also 6 turkey eggs in there, but they won't make the deadline (won't hatch until the 10th, if they're even fertile). I'll set another 36 RIRs and 4 OEGBs tonight once my other 'bator gets steadied out
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