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  1. JoyfulPromise

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    No chicks for me for this hatch. The two Red Orpington eggs that made it to lockdown never pipped. I took them out last night, after candling. One looked like it had quit late, the other was fully developed but never pipped through the membrane into the air pocket. So sad! But I just put...
  2. JoyfulPromise

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Well, it looks like there are definitely only 2 live embryos growing in my shipped Red English Orpington eggs. But those two look good so far, and I am going to try again with more Red Orpingtons later. I had an excellent hatch last weekend with some shipped Blue Copper Marans eggs - 8...
  3. JoyfulPromise

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Well, I candled my 11 shipped Red English Orpingtons last night (day 8) and it doesn't look very good. I thought at first that I was just not seeing properly through the brown shells, but then I looked at one that had an obvious eye and veins and was moving around! I am leaving them all in...
  4. JoyfulPromise

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    It is only day 5 for my Red English Orpington eggs - I must admit I have peeked at one or two each night when I hand turn them in their egg carton..last night I thought I saw one or two starting to develop, but it is too early to tell with these brown eggs. I totally agree about the silkies...
  5. JoyfulPromise

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Set 11 English Red Orpington eggs this morning. Here's hoping for a great hatch!
  6. JoyfulPromise

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Hi everyone! It turns out that I will actually be able to join this Hatch-along too this year! I just got a shipment of Red English Orpington hatching eggs in the mail this morning, and I am letting them rest overnight and will set them tomorrow morning! I got these off e-bay, been wanting to...
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