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  1. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    The two zippers are out and I think I might get one more duckling from a white egg that's internally pipped. And surprise a late cochin bantam =) I was thinking about taking those out of the Hatcher but I'll wait and see a bit longer now who knows=)
  2. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    4 fluffy and two more zipping, can't wait for the goose eggs to pip =)
  3. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    I've got duck eggs pipping =) next should be geese and d'uccle eggs on a couple days=)
  4. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    this morning=) c'mon ducks and late Cochin eggs and early d'uccle eggs =)
  5. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Ducks on lockdown=) Early hatch set for the 8... tiny white bantam chick might be d'uccle have to look harder at the shell fragments lol cochins still popping out total like eight so far lost a couple, one got out of the nest box last night =( and failure to thrive after hatch despite sav a...
  6. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Six little cochins, two more pips and 4 quitters =/ but my big mama lf cochin Heidi adopted 5 more to go with her 3 two or three day old chicks =) and seems one of my ducklings has wry neck but is doing better today =) and another has a leg issue at its elbow/knee, was wondering what I could do...
  7. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    4 out, one zipper, one pipper, to peepers =)
  8. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Three little Cochin out, another zipping around and some pips... seems they are taking forever... patience is something I should work on... I guess it's helping... lol
  9. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    So 21 ducklings hatched and 2 goslings =) and the assorted bantam Cochin eggs are peeping with one already out =) Oh and my three broody cochins have 9 chicks between them =) 4/4/1 the one with 1 is lowest in the totem pole so I'll be keeping an eye on her chick.
  10. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    More good news another duckling and my only Dominique egg is zipping!
  11. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Yes! Where are my snuggle buddies all ready jeez, lol
  12. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    =) six ducklings hatched so far and lots of pips, and now the goose eggs are pipping too =) :P And the award for worst camera phone photo ever contest is...
  13. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Yay!! I've got pips everywhere only a day late =) hope everything in lockdown pops like popcorn =)
  14. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Still no pips on my ducks yet.. gonna start to watch the goose eggs too now...people say patience is something they admire about me... glad they can't read
  15. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    I've got duck eggs, goose eggs and cochin eggs in lockdown =) ducklings should start popping out tonight, goslings in two days and cochins in three =) with great fertility rates so far =) Then I should have ducklings hatching on cinco de mayo, possibly some gosling a couple days after, and...
  16. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Well my Turkey eggs are a fail and so are the blue/green Wheaton eggs =( but the duck, goose and bantam eggs are all right on schedule =)
  17. Chrysolinsbirds

    ~* 4th annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey/Chicken hatchathon! *~

    Well I'm down to one Dominique egg that starts lockdown tomorrow along with some duck eggs =) I'm on day 7 for the Turkey eggs and still look clear =/ the duck eggs set on same day are definitely developing.. I think the usps scrambled them =/ probably in Washington =/ but everything else is...
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