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  1. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    sounds like you have your hands full! :)
  2. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Well, that lot should keep you busy for a while :)
  3. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Welcome! Whereabouts are you and what chickens do you have?
  4. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Welcome! Folks are friendly and helpful here - what birds do you have?
  5. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    nice assortment there!
  6. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Welcome! :)
  7. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    I want to know what these folks are going to do with all this TP for a respiratory infection....:confused:
  8. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Wow! Lucky you, I'm jealous :)
  9. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    You are all taking a pounding over there - stay safe and dry :)
  10. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    They are fat old Beagles :) The boy loves the snow, the girl not so much.
  11. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Hope everyone survived the terrible storm relatively unscathed. We only had snow and bitter cold from the storm here in in NY. Some damage to the Eastern pine trees but otherwise ok.
  12. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Looks like a tick to me too. Nasty little buggers! Still, they are easier to get rid of than mites..
  13. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Yes - couldn't live w/o it! The birds have a nice cool and airy barn, so hopefully they will be ok.
  14. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Going to be a bit warm here in NY - heat index predicted to be 40C+ over the next 2 days....can't wait for winter, snow and all
  15. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    that's ok - here in the US so many people don't even know where England is let alone France or Australia!
  16. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Hello all - glad to see everyone survived the snow! We didn't get much snow here but the temp was -30F (-34C) for a couple of days - bit chilly! Needless to say the ladies would not stick their beaks outside the barn:).
  17. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Molting can send them a bit loopy I have found, but it's still odd. Any trouble with hawks? Local cats? Nice set-up btw :)
  18. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Certainly sounds will be interesting to see what's going on. No signs of predators digging or anything like that?
  19. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    The 'weather forecasters' told us a little snow and severe frost this past weekend....still waiting. :rolleyes: We have had frosts occasionally over the last couple of weeks but nothing bad. Neighbor says there will be an Indian summer in November - hope so, I still got stuff to do!
  20. boskelli1571

    UK Member Please Say HI

    Welcome all !:frow Not sure what winter will show us here in the US this year. Not excessive snow last year, but the cold dragged on and on...The weather forecasters say a mild winter, so we are preparing for blizzards and shutdowns:hmm. At least we have a snow blower this year so I won't have...
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