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  1. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Sad Update: They both passed away within 12 hours of each other. They were a month and a half, they did not grow bigger then 6-8days old. Good News! Karen is sitting on a new clutch of 14 after what felt like forever of waiting. But cross your fingers she sits the full term. Shes been really...
  2. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    They are eating monsters I have nothing to worry about. Thirteen and FizzleBean are both female living their best life currently in the bathtub lol. Fizz is the fluffier one (two hand photo)
  3. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    They could care less about the food. Both have had one bite. Lots of yelling, sleeping and knocking one of the two water bowls over.
  4. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Going into the brooder now. Food and water or just water?
  5. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    This is my ducks page. If any one was interested in checking them out and keeping up to date with the new duckies!!
  6. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Only two made it!
  7. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    So all did not make it but three. One hatched on the weekend and two just hatched together this afternoon. I literally went out for two hours and came back to them out of their shells yelling at each other!! Should i put them under the brooder? Or leave them until tomorrow?
  8. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Out of 13 eggs, 12 survived so far
  9. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Brought them all into the incubator. All are alive but one. She only sat on them at night or for a few minutes once a day for the last 4 days. Im so surprised they have made it this far! So excited!!
  10. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Update: Sad update. Karen has given up. I have put all of the eggs into the incubator. Hopefully some will survive. Was super busy today so i was not able to pull them sooner! 😢😢crossing my fingers.
  11. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    My drake has been super protective over the nest. Never lets the dog or anyone besides my husband and myself near the eggs/nest.
  12. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Also my fingers/nails are completely out of the way. Those are babies not me!!
  13. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Most have internally pipped. So excited!! She only has 12 eggs in her clutch now. Im assuming the extra eggs were confusing her?
  14. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Nope. So far just Karen and our drake Jaylen
  15. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    Yes I do. But this is my first time natural hatching and trying to leave them as long as possible.
  16. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    update!! One egg internally pipped this morning!! Found it while enjoying my morning coffee. Second pipped around 11am. Karen has been sitting on them all day!! I will post/update photos this evening. While shes off the eggs eating diner. Side note. I took the bad egg out and i found three that...
  17. Thewaddleducks

    Please Help with my pekin ducks. Natural incubation.

    I have two Pekin ducks, a male and a female Karen and Jaylen Waddles. this is her second attempt at sitting on a clutch. The first attempt was unfortunately destroyed and eaten by some field rats that are no longer in the picture. She is currently on roughly day, 28/29. She was sitting on the...
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