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  1. CoCovey

    Thinking about pheasants…

    Thank you very much for this advice. I do keep quail in a separate area to chickens so it would totally make sense that pheasants wouldn’t tolerate chickens aswell. I am a very much a novice with gamebirds so I appreciate all the feedback. Maybe in future I will build an aviary at the back of my...
  2. CoCovey

    Thinking about pheasants…

    I think they would allow them. It’s just the noise that they don’t like
  3. CoCovey

    Thinking about pheasants…

    Thank you! It did look a little smaller than other aviaries I have seen but I thought that was the case. I would be breeding bantams in that coop except council won’t let me 😭
  4. CoCovey

    Thinking about pheasants…

    Hi all, I had a strange but exciting thought yesterday about making the side pen in my chicken run into a pheasant aviary. It is 3 meters x 2 meters and is 2.5 meters tall. I would only keep three in there but I’m wondering if it would work. It would definitely need some patching up but I think...
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