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  1. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    It’s hard to tell until they get further along. Weight loss seems good. I think the earliest I saw one wiggle was about 35 days or so.
  2. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Here is a pic from yesterday of some of them! I posted a picture or two of emu babies in the emu hatchalong thread that Pyxis started last year.
  3. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Yes, they actually did! Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been active on here in awhile. I ended up getting about 10 emu eggs from various places last year and 8 hatched. Here are the breeders I got shipped viable eggs from: From Ebay: -kalifornsky -emufolks -juaoter0 Facebook: -Warbirds...
  4. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    The first egg wiggled today! There were a couple times I thought I saw it wiggle before but I wasn’t sure because it was small. But today it definitely wiggled! It’s got about 7-8 days until it’s due to hatch.
  5. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Well its been a week since my last update. These are what my weights are looking like now. Egg 3 is a little off but its still within safe parameters. Egg 1 also has a slight tilt to it and it is warmer on the lower side and cooler on the higher side, where there is the air cell, which is...
  6. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    My replacement emu egg for the bad egg arrived yesterday and I put it in the incubator today. Yesterday I switched the eggs over to my hovabator with a humidikit because my humidity was too inconsistent in the nurture right 360. I updated my spreadsheet as well to make it easier to read now...
  7. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Right, white emus are the rarest. I haven’t had other emu keepers reach out to me on here, but there a few I have talked to on Facebook. There are a couple active emu groups on Facebook: “emu owners group” and “backyard emus”. I like byc as a forum for record keeping and sharing my experience...
  8. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Yep! I get it with my cat and dog food!
  9. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    My goal is to get 2 more this year, and if I hatch any more than that, i'll sell them. I just have standard (brown) eggs in the incubator right now, but my current emus are blond. I think all emus are more or less the same size when full grown. I'd eventually like to get a white emu too, but...
  10. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Unfortunately the new emu egg looks bad. I put it in the incubator this morning and this afternoon when I went to check on it, it had started oozing. I messaged the seller and she is going to send me a new one. She thinks it is due to it being frozen either during shipping or prior to her...
  11. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    I feed them a ratite pellet feed year round. This one specifically: On the care sheet their breeder gave to us, this is the diet she recommends: "Lots of pasture and browsing, 16% all stock sweet feed, rabbit pellets, non...
  12. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    That’s good question. I know a lot of people put a chick or two in with emus when they are first born so the chick can teach them how to eat or drink, but usually most people separate them when the emu gets bigger. I don’t think an emu that was raised with hens would intentionally hurt a chicken...
  13. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Mine aren’t completely full grown yet but they can get up to 6 ft tall and around 120 lbs when completely grown. They have a janky metal shed that I throw a bunch of straw into so they can have something to get out of inclement weather, but they usually stay outside even when it’s raining or...
  14. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    My third egg arrived today! Unfortunately, it was 18 degrees here when I went out to take care of the chickens this morning so that might affect the viability of the egg. The seller sent good instructions, which is nice: I’m leaving it out at room temperature today then before I go to bed I...
  15. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    They definitely can be, they will chase off anything small that gets into their pasture. They are fenced off from my other poultry though because I don't trust them not to chase and hurt my other poultry because they are so big. But they have the back 3 acres of my 10 acre property, so foxes and...
  16. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    I think they are poultry... but they are also considered ratites, which is the group of large flightless birds including kiwis, emus, cassowaries, and ostriches. I have looked through the emu hatching threads and gotten some good information. But I don't think anyone has started one for this...
  17. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Haha they are just pets for me. If you raise them to be processed, you can get different products from them (emu meat, emu oil, emu leather), so some people do that. I just like them because they are entertaining and friendly. You can breed them and sell their offspring, so I might do that when...
  18. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    Current stats on the Emu eggs: Hoping for a baby emu in a month or so :fl I'm ready for baby emu cuddles again... Here's a pic of when my current emus were babies in January (ignore the mess, they like to drop their kale everywhere and kick their shavings out of their brooder):
  19. Sneakyturtle

    Shipped Emu Hatching Egg

    The egg is still losing weight at an acceptable rate. It will be 2-3 weeks before I can try any other tests to see if it’s developing. I ordered 2 more eggs to hedge my bets, and the local breeder said his started laying so I should be able to pick up a couple eggs from him soon. One of the...
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