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    Storing fertilized eggs in the fridge - what's the optimal humidity?

    Here is all you have to do a few times a day. Just changing the angle this much is enough movement to the keep the embryo in the egg from binding to the shell. Turning also helps distribute oxygen & nutrition within the egg.

    Storing fertilized eggs in the fridge - what's the optimal humidity?

    I apologize. I should have been clearer. I physically move the book, or board, from under one end of the cartons to under the opposite end. So which ever end is of the carton is elevated, i just move the book under the opposite end, so the opposite end of the carton becomes elevated.

    Storing fertilized eggs in the fridge - what's the optimal humidity?

    I have a turner in my incubator, but I just never mess with it until I'm ready to incubate.

    Storing fertilized eggs in the fridge - what's the optimal humidity?

    Just a thought, but would keeping them in an ice chest, not with ice, just an empty ice chest, solve the problem. I'm thinking that might keep the temperature down in the optimal area. I'm afraid the refrigerator, even at the warmest setting is going to be damaging to your eggs. Another tip I...
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