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  1. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I almost ended up with a brown Chinese goose yesterday. A very tame one somehow landed in the yard at the local correctional facility. One of my neighbors, who works at the prison, picked it up and loaded it into the covered bed of his pick-up truck. He stopped by to see if I would take it. I...
  2. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Sorry Bob lost his companion; but hurray that he likes ducks! My geese have a love-hate relationship with my runner ducks. I leave my goose eggs on the counter, along with the duck and chicken eggs. The goose eggs are usually all eaten within a couple of weeks, so I don't know how long they...
  3. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Sorry about the lost gosling 😞. Looks like you have plenty of drama in the coop. Wonder what the Toulouse did to get blacklisted? Wonderful photos, and I enjoyed your commentary!
  4. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I'm also glad you found this thread. .I LOVED your post and tales of your goose adventures and misadventures!! Your geese are beautiful! I totally recognize the expression on Heidi's face; my American Buff girls look at me Just Like That when I try to take their unfertilized eggs. Too bad...
  5. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    No goslings here because I don't have ganders. But in the spring, my must-have list includes thick gloves -- because my goose girls don't take lightly to someone stealing their eggs, even though no babies will ever hatch!
  6. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    What an incredibly BEAUTIFUL bunch of birds! Loved reading about them and how they organized themselves into formation to return to Home! My two geese have dealt with frigid weather (finally got above freezing yesterday!) by catching whatever sun is possible as they lie next to the house...
  7. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Maybe you're just lucky, careful or have better behaved geese? Once it happens, it certainly makes a person more cautious about how they handle those strong, lovely creatures!
  8. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Maybe you're lucky it was only a gosling? When my full-grown American Buff Golly decided to hit me in the face with a wing, I ended up with a black eye and a story No One believed.
  9. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Glad you asked -- I surprised myself when I looked it up. It's been four years since I got Gussie and Golly as the last two goslings at the local farm store. I had wanted the Egyptians they had when I was in the store on a Friday. When I returned on Monday, only two babies were left -- a...
  10. Callender Girl

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Great thread! Geese have so much personality -- much of it mischievous. Today, mine ran off all the ducks so they could have the stock tank "pool" to themselves. I love watching them bathe -- because they seem to be absolutely joyful -- but I think the runners were less impressed. My American...
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