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  1. J

    Water glassing question

    So water itsself will wash off the bloom? Probably another crazy question, how does the mixture not wash anything off?
  2. J

    Water glassing question

    Have been considering water glassing eggs for a bit, and this is probably the dumbest question but what is considered an unwashed egg? Like just rinsing them off with water? Or like using soap? Thanks in advance!
  3. J

    (Related to the last thread I had made)

    I wasnt sure how to add on to another thread or if I even could but Whether my rooster had mereks or botulism, is it safe for us to even consume the eggs that the girls lay with them still acting perfectly fine? We have been tossing everything ever since everything occured. I was told from a...
  4. J

    I think I may have messed up

    I was aware that it was risky, had a conversation with my husband about it but we were also a bit desperate at the time because our last rooster had passed as well, our buff orpington became depressed and stopped laying and wouldn't move unless it was to eat, drink or take a bath. They had them...
  5. J

    I think I may have messed up

    Our vet offered very little, we tried to call for advice but they refused to tell us anything because of some law i suppose, because they hadn't seen them in over a year (which was because they told us there was no reason for routine appointments for chickens because there wasn't much they...
  6. J

    I think I may have messed up

    My Buff Orpington did not, she was the first i got she came from a farm, and the others came from auctions that provided very little detail about the birds
  7. J

    I think I may have messed up

    I believe its a whole grain type feed (screenshot of the ingredient list on TSC Site included) We did feed treats every now and again, corn every once in a while and mealworms from the Flock Party brand, we bought grasshoppers once but only the girls liked them, he wouldn't touch them.
  8. J

    I think I may have messed up

    Cluck & CO. Organic layer blend, but i feel that could have been it too? Ive been told that they aren't supposed to eat the same stuff as the girls but nobody ever told me what exactly to give him. Is that something he could have recovered from? I just feel extremely guilty not knowing 100% what...
  9. J

    I think I may have messed up

    *I am so sorry for the novel in advance, if you decide to read the whole thing, thank you for your time and patience* My rooster i had noticed about 3 weeks ago his wing on one side looked as if it was dislocated or somehow lower than the other? I had just assumed that it was maybe one of the...
  10. J


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I started getting them back in 2021, i would still consider myself new (2) How many chickens do you have right now? unfortunately right now, just two (3) What breeds do you have? Buff orpington and a barnyard mix, not sure what...
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