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  1. O

    Egg membrane protruding from vent?

    I've never given meds to a chicken before. Does calcium citrate come in pills or powder form? How do I administer--dissolved in water? I am certainly willing to treat her with anything that might help, I've just never done it before. She does have consistent access to crushed oyster shell...
  2. O

    Egg membrane protruding from vent?

    Thanks for the reply! I think the issue is resolved--see my response to Orelsi.
  3. O

    Egg membrane protruding from vent?

    After I got home from work I checked on her and she still had some of the membrane protruding from her vent. I was able to gently pull and I'm pretty sure the rest of the membrane came out. It certainly looks like it was a rubber egg that had collapsed inside. I've seen rubber eggs/no shell eggs...
  4. O

    Egg membrane protruding from vent?

    last night I discovered that our black Australorp (about two years old) had what appeared to be the remains of a egg shell membrane protruding from her vent. She was already roosting with her sisters so I removed her from the coop and have her isolated. About an hour earlier, I had observed her...
  5. O

    Late-in-the-day egg layers?

    LOL...That sounds like our girls! We have 5 hens and 3 next boxes. All of them use the same box. One time I found both of our Rhode Island Reds using the same box at the same time. Funny creatures...
  6. O

    Late-in-the-day egg layers?

    Yeah, ours seem to stretch it out throughout the day too.
  7. O

    Late-in-the-day egg layers?

    Interesting! That sounds like our Mable, but she's never laid twice in the day.
  8. O

    What commercial feed do you use for your laying hens?

    I wonder why some turn their nose (beaks?) up to the pellets. I've seen several posts saying that their hens prefer pellets vs. crumbles (or vice versa) but I've feed both forms to our girls and I've not noticed any real preference.
  9. O

    Late-in-the-day egg layers?

    What's the latest time of the day your hens lay eggs? We have 5 laying hens. One of our Easter eggers is usually the first, usually before 9:00 am. But our black Australorp is usually the last, sometimes not until after 3:00 or 4:00 pm. It doesn't really matter to me, but I had read someplace...
  10. O

    What commercial feed do you use for your laying hens?

    Thanks! That's good to know. I do supplement crushed oyster shell. I just started using Purina All Flock 20% but the Kalmbach is a bit cheaper so I may switch to that when the Purina feed runs out.
  11. O

    What commercial feed do you use for your laying hens?

    I almost picked up a bag of this, but read the feeding instructions on the bag that said it was for "... pullets up to laying age...". I took this to imply that it isn't intended for adult hens. Am I wrong? Is it okay for laying hens?
  12. O

    Thanks! I wanted Hen Solo but it was already taken.

    Thanks! I wanted Hen Solo but it was already taken.
  13. O

    What commercial feed do you use for your laying hens?

    We have been feeding our hens Kalmbalch All Natural feed (17% protein). Is this a good feed? I am just curious what others are feeding their birds. Ours seem to be doing well on the Kalmbalch, although I suspect they are feather picking which some have suggested may be the result of a protein...
  14. O

    What happened to their fluffy butts?

    I couldn't find this in stores so I ordered on-line through Tractor Supply. We administered the first application today. I'm also going to supplement their feed with dread mealworms every other day. Keeping fingers crossed that the girls will start getting some of their fluff back soon!
  15. O

    What’s the name of your coop?

    My wife is a Barry Manilow fan. We (she) named ours the Coop-a-Cabana. ;)
  16. O

    What happened to their fluffy butts?

    Thanks--They get a 17% protein layer feed (and occasional mealworms for treats). We have no roosters so I don't know what the bare back would be other than feather-picking.
  17. O

    What happened to their fluffy butts?

    Thanks--they have a fairly small, but adequate space for nest boxes and roosting at night. But during the day they have 28 sq ft for a run underneath their roosting/nest box space and an additional attached 7ft X 15ft run. We only have 5 hens, so they have plenty of space. To give them plenty of...
  18. O

    What happened to their fluffy butts?

    I joined this forum while searching for information about feather loss our hens are undergoing right now. They have been loosing feathers around their vents and rumps--one is missing feathers on her lower back next to her tail (see pix). We have inspected them for mites/lice but haven't seen any...
  19. O

    This never gets old...

    This is our first year of raising Hens. Our girls have been laying since August and I still love seeing this in the next boxes. It's like Easter Morning everyday!
  20. O

    Review by 'Obiwan Henobi' in article 'A UFO Chicken Spaceship Coop that is Out of This World'

    Didn't one of these crash at Roswell, New Mexico a few years back?
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