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  1. L

    Help! How to hand feed adult quail?

    I have a pet quail who's 17 months old. Two days ago aprox she started a new treatment for a skin infection she has with voriconazole and amoxicilin/clavulanate. I believe the medication is probably giving her some side effects, because right after starting she has been clumpsy and eating less...
  2. L

    Urgent Help - Respiratory problems, stopped laying eggs, diarrhea

    I wasn't sure if I should post on the quail sub or on the diseases sub so I thought it was best to post in both so different communities could give their advice.
  3. L

    Urgent Help - Respiratory problems, stopped laying eggs, diarrhea

    I don't understand very well the question, not sure if it's a language problem, but I've just listed the feed I've been giving her and all the details in the other comments
  4. L

    Urgent Help - Respiratory problems, stopped laying eggs, diarrhea

    How old do your quails usually live? I've read 2-3 years so I thought the same that 15 months was middle aged or so, maybe her "40s"? Her feed has been most of her life feed A (see below). And 3 months ago or so I changed her to feed B which is for patridges, which is the closest to a good feed...
  5. L

    Urgent Help - Respiratory problems, stopped laying eggs, diarrhea

    I live in Spain. Of course not!!! haha That's not the only feed I've been giving her. That was as a side treat, so she has something to do, to forage. And given in relatively small quantities, not all the time. Her feed has been most of her life feed A (see below). And 3 months ago or so I...
  6. L

    Urgent Help - Respiratory problems, stopped laying eggs, diarrhea

    Hi, I have a pet japanese coturnix quail. 15 months old. She lives indoors. I only have a canary that occasionally goes outside in the balcony but he's fine. The bedding is pristine, I spot clean at least twice a day, and change it every few days. She has a nipple drinker so the water is...
  7. L

    Big bruise and diarrhea - Is it bad?

    Hi, I have a japanese coturnix quail. 15 months old. A couple days ago or so I was checking a small wound she had, and she fought and fell out of my hands. She took a 50cm fall or so, and I saw her landing close to her butt. I checked on her afterwards and didn't saw anything, and she kept...
  8. L

    Several questions about poultry vet care

    Thanks for your reply! In question 3, it wasn't very clear to me if you meant it's a good practise to apply antibiotic cream alongside disinfectant while the wound is open. I think so because you said "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." but I'm not sure. In question 6, when you...
  9. L

    Several questions about poultry vet care

    I have many questions relating to poultry vet care. I have labelled them with numbers so it's easy to answer. I know they're a lot so I don't expect everyone to answer to everything, but hopefully they'll be all covered in the comments. I appreciate you take the time to answer Here are the...
  10. L

    Quail bruised leg - It's this too bad?

    Yesterday night my quail had a small bruise in her pad. It was nothing serious. But she didn't wanna put that leg down while resting. She has a skin fungal infection and I have to apply the antifungal spray 2-3 times a day (Clotrimazol 1%). Today I just picked her up to check on the bruise and...
  11. L

    What's the temperature where you are???

    Lowest in the early morning 26ºC, highest during the afternoon 41ºC
  12. L

    How to apply clotrimazole 1% for fungal skin infection?

    I am asking for a quail but I am guessing the answers probably apply to most of poultry. My quail has a rare yeast skin infection that is sensitive to clotrimazole, ketoconazole and nystatin. My treatment of choice is going to be topical clotrimazole 1%. I've seen they sell it in two formats...
  13. L

    Is this bumblefoot? How to treat?

  14. L

    Is quail laying feed the same as chicken laying feed?

    Ok! What would be an appropiate % of those aminoacids? My mom sent me the label, but it's pretty hard to read. I looked up the name tho and it says: COMPONENTES ANALÍTICOS Proteína Bruta 16% Grasa Brutal (fat) 4,50% Fibra Bruta (fiber) 2.70% Metionina 0,31% Lisina 0,76% Ceniza...
  15. L

    Is quail laying feed the same as chicken laying feed?

    I think you need to check my other post but properly reading all if you want to understand. Here I'm not asking about the yeast infection, I'm asking what is proper feed for laying quail. Because I want to make sure everything's right.
  16. L

    Is quail laying feed the same as chicken laying feed?

    I think you're not reading well "carrot noodles", like it's literally carrots but cut in noodles. Why is giving her carrots to prevent vitamin A deficiency a bad thing?
  17. L

    Is this bumblefoot? How to treat?

    Ty, I'm in Spain. I have been able to find the vet tape online. But the epsom salt no nothing.
  18. L

    Topical and oral anti-fungal medications recommendations?

    Thank you sm! I hope we do too! ^^ @Eggcessive You were right, clotrimazole is effective against it! I don't know why I said...
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