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  1. F


    @azygous thank you for all the help I was able to get her to an avian vet today. She unfortunately had a lot of fluid in her abdomen and the vet recommended to put her to sleep. Thank you all so much💔
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    She is drinking water with electrolytes and I am making her another egg
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    Today is day 3 and she hasn’t passed an eggshell do you think it might be worms?
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    This is some of her poop from last night
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    What type of natural antibiotics can I give her if I don’t have access to antibiotics
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    I have calcium citrate tablets I gave her 1ml of gluconate a few hours would it be safe to give her the calcium citrate tablet as well. I have no antibiotics I’m trying to find a local avian vet.
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    her droppings have been small and they’re white liquid. I just checked her vent with a glove and Vaseline and could not feel anything.
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    I just offered her some boiled egg and she ate it
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    Her comb is beginning to turn purple on the points please if anyone can help or has any advice.
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    I have a close to 3 year old hen who has a history with soft eggs. On Sunday I noticed she had a dirty butt and some poop on her feathers around her vent so I gave her a bath. She was fine until yesterday morning when I found her on the roost bar in the coop in the late morning. I got her out...
  11. F

    My hen is not moving

    Her crop was definitely full last night when she went to bed I fed her some blueberries. The crop right now feels like its half full with some feed. She is currently sleeping I was able to give her a little electrolyte water. And she has also pooped a little which looks normal.
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    My hen is not moving

    My hen, 2 1/2 year old olive egger is not moving the last 2 days she was having a hard time balancing on their roost bar but she was still walking around just acting slow. My flock is molting and all of them are dropping feathers except for her. Today I found her laying on the floor of the coop...
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    Lethargic hen

    I have a 2 year old olive egger that has been lethargic for the last few days. At first I thought it was due to overcast weather and she might’ve been cold. She has been standing with her feathers puffed up with her tail down and will occasionally close her eyes as if she is sleepy. She has been...
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    Black spots near wattels

    There are small black spots underneath my hens beak between her wattles I’m not sure what they are I noticed them a few days ago and have been meaning to post. She has bumblefoot right now also that I have been treating I don’t know if it’s related. The spots appear to be the same size and in...
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    Hen is limping / possible bumble foot

    Update Two days ago she began walking normal. I have been soaking both feet in a warm epsom salt bath, spray vetericyn, placing a small piece of gauze with plain neosoporin on the pads of her feet and wrapping with vet wrap daily. Her left foot appears to have a little purple discoloration...
  16. F

    Hen is limping / possible bumble foot

    Here are two new pictures I just took today. The left foot appears to possibly have two very small cuts circled in the picture and there is some dirt or build up around them. I have been soaking both feet in warm epsom salt baths and spraying with vetericyn. Both feet don’t appear to any have...
  17. F

    Hen is limping / possible bumble foot

    Thank you! Do you think the bumble foot on her right foot is causing her to not be able to stand and walk properly with her left leg?
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