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  1. 0

    Wonky duck stance

    This is Dessa, short for Iridessa. She is the one closest to the camera standing awkwardly. The stance she is in is her default and she is constantly walking like this or with her head to the ground when foraging. Now, she hasn't always walked like this. As a duckling, she walked like a totally...
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    Silver appleyard drake sound

    We’re a bit suspicious that one of the eggs of my last batch might have come from one of my silver ladies instead of from a cayuga like we planned. So we think that one may be a silver x Cayuga cross based on size and demeanor. Today he started to make a different kind of rasp. Just curious to...
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    Duckling with squishy and soft belly

    I’ve been keeping him around 95F but the heavier breathing continues even when cooler so I don’t think it’s temp related. He’s definitely improved overnight - I’ve been waking up every couple hours to feed and his appetite has really kicked in. Got a boot on it and so far so good. I’ve simply...
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    Duckling with squishy and soft belly

    Hopefully these uploaded right. The belly looks less orange IRL. It was Red yesterday. There’s a scab where the naval is. Belly doesn’t seem hot like an infection so hopefully it’s not. Did put some bacitracin on it just to try and help. Always using clean hands and q tips. A bit of an...
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    Duckling with squishy and soft belly

    After googling more and physically examining we’re thinking it’s mushy chick disease. Just checked the belly again and it’s red and irritated.
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    Duckling with squishy and soft belly

    One of the ducklings that just hatched has a soft, squishy, somewhat distended belly. None of the other ducklings have this. This one is weaker than the rest - we had to assist in hatch. Rocky was able to internally pip but did not progress at all. Rocky wasn’t positioned right and we removed...
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    Fox during day

    I am in need of your tried and true methods of fox repellent. This fox has appeared consistently the past week. ALWAYS during the day! Not early morning or dusk. Bright and sunny out. My ducks no longer get to free range after the fox made its first move and took my favorite duck. I'm still...
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    Nurture right 360 temp issues

    On day 7 of a very very special clutch of eggs. The NR360 has been going okay - temp bounces a little bit but typically stays steady at 99.7. Today it’s either 100 or 99.1. I can’t get it to stay anywhere in between. Doesn’t help that you can only adjust the temp the incubator is set at by .5...
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    Which thermometer to trust

    I simply don't trust the incubator's read due to using it in the past. I cannot find the thermometer I used in the past and am scrambling to figure out which one to trust. I've got two in there, one reading 99.4 and one reading 98.2. Grabbed a third meant for a terrarium and it reads 98.6 These...
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    Duck in “labor” when laying egg

    Sorry for such a long wait! It’s been a crazy couple of months with vet visits for Vidia (she had a cyst in her toe D: ) and my cockatiel and trying to get things done haha. So he believes that it’s the egg pressing on the sciatic nerve. Which is uncomfortable at absolute minimum. I’ve noticed...
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    Duck in “labor” when laying egg

    She should be getting enough calcium. I feed 50% purina duck feed and 50% layer feed along with oyster shells and crushed eggshell. Her eggs are average size for the breed and so far no egg abnormalities. I’ll definitely run out to TSC and grab some calcium gluconate. I’m actually familiar...
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    Duck in “labor” when laying egg

    My silver appleyards have just started laying and one of them, Vidia, is odd. The day before she laid her first egg we noticed her butt was “heavy” (that’s what we call it - you can see their butt looks a little heavier, and since these guys have a bulldog stance it’s very noticeable). During...
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    Duck penis popping out when pooping

    To get right to it: today I noticed that one of my drakes, Luna, had his penis pop out when he was pooping. About an inch came out, dangled there for 1-2 seconds, and then it went back in. I stared him down for way too long and it watched it happen multiple times. This was not happening last...
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    Silver appleyard questions

    I have a group of 3 week old ducklings - 1 Cayuga, 3 buffs, and 3 silvers. I have 7 other cayugas so I’m familiar with their tolerances. Out of my group, I’ve noticed that my silvers are the first ones to start to get too hot. They have the same activity level as the others, so it’s definitely...
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    Duck being aggressive towards ducklings

    Apologies for not clarifying! My drakes are actually very friendly with the ducklings. It's my female, Yoda, who is aggressive. In fact, my one drake, Goose, will waddle on up to the babies and forage with them. Rain will chase them occasionally but stops after a few seconds and Luna just...
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    Duck being aggressive towards ducklings

    One of my ducks, Sinclair, attempted to hatch some ducklings. After a long 28 days, 2 ducklings successfully hatched in my care. The eggs had to be taken away since she started attacking them as the ducklings were trying to hatch (yes, attack, not "help" - she almost crushed one) Despite trying...
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    What day are these duck eggs on? Please help!

    I was letting my duck hatch some eggs (4) and forgot to make note of the day she started incubating I'm having trouble determining what day they are on. Video 1 (egg 2) Video 2 (egg 2) Video 3 (egg 1) Video 4 (egg 3) forgot to get a video or picture of egg 4 Really to know since egg 3 got a...
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    Cracked Egg! Help!!

    For some reason the link got messed up It should be fixed now Link
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    Cracked Egg! Help!!

    I will see if we have any wax. We’re a fairly candle free household due to other pets. Not sure what day it’s on because I was an idiot and forgot to write down when she started sitting. It’s the depressed area Picture
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    Cracked Egg! Help!!

    I was checking my duck’s eggs as I do every night - candling them to see the growth. I picked one up and my thumb put a hole into it! I know I didn’t grab it hard so I think the eggshell was weak there or already a bit cracked. The embryo is still alive and moving. Saran wrapped the egg and...
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