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  1. Silviaschicks

    Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    I love Iris so much she is all I have photos of rn I forgot how much I love chicks :love (also my other girls DESPERATELY need a molt)
  2. Silviaschicks

    Ended 2024 BYC Calendar Photo Contest—We Need Your Pictures!

    Here's my new chick, Iris! She's a lavender ameraucana and almost 3 weeks old
  3. Silviaschicks

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Sounds cozy though! How do you chickens and rabbits get along? I've been looking into getting rabbits but I've heard my chickens would injure them. I'm also excited for spring! I never make new years resolutions, just spring resolutions, as I am too busy around the new year but I always have...
  4. Silviaschicks

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    This thread used to be so dead and now I leave for a few hours and have several pages to catch up on
  5. Silviaschicks

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Yeah I've seen a lot of people say something along the lines of "I'm __(minority)_, *insert trauma dump* it's so hard to be me" and it becomes a competition of who is more traumatized so then they can feel more justified abt something?? I don't really understand it. The point is, we all have...
  6. Silviaschicks

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    yeah, or the issues people have with intersectionality (mostly class + race of other LGBTQ+ people)... no community's perfect, but I too am grateful for this thread which is (mostly) inclusive and uplifting
  7. Silviaschicks

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    And it might seem like there are too many labels, but that's just because everyone's experience is unique. Naturally, people want a way to describe and define themselves, so more just get added.
  8. Silviaschicks

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Welcome to all the new people!! Although we still get some hecklers sometimes, just report them and move on- they're not too common. I'm so glad this thread is getting re-populated! I know I haven't been on here in a while either lol. Currently I have no idea what my sexuality (I just tell...
  9. Silviaschicks

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    ugh same they got let out once by my friend on accident and they were so happy for those few minutes 😭 I felt so bad when I put them back in
  10. Silviaschicks

    Speckled Sussex pullets or roos ?

    Better pictures are needed for more accuracy, but they all seem to be pullets
  11. Silviaschicks

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I don't do much on valentine's day; I made a couple cards for friends this year though. I just realized I ****ed up because I'm gonna drop one off at the post office tomorrow because I thought the person was still in CA but the address he sent me is in NC 💀💀 bro won't get it for a week at least 😭
  12. Silviaschicks

    Bay Area BYCers!

    Peninsula feed store is where I got two of my girls from. The staff are super nice, and the chickens are well-bred in my opinion. When I went the breeder came to talk to us to help us pick which chickens we wanted. They sell a large variety, and also pigeons and turkeys. They also have chickens...
  13. Silviaschicks

    Keep one word, drop one word

    Broken chair
  14. Silviaschicks

    7 wks light sussex - gender pleasw

    I think 1 may be your only roo, but time will tell :)
  15. Silviaschicks

    Black Australorp & Silver-Laced Wyandottes - hens or roosters?

    I'm thinking 4 is your only roo then for now
  16. Silviaschicks

    Help with gender on 5 Serama

    Your only pullet is the very first picture- Betty
  17. Silviaschicks

    Black Australorp & Silver-Laced Wyandottes - hens or roosters?

    4 is a roo, and I believe 3 is as well. 1 and 2 may be pullets but I'm not fully sure about 2. Do you have a side photo of 3?
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