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  1. NHMountainMan

    Coop signs!?

    My wife for me this for Xmas. I bought a lot of chicks last year! I'm not sure she believed I'd actually hang it !
  2. NHMountainMan

    Would you put a coop here? 🤔

    I would make certain that you hit the 20' setback requirement. Your neighbor may not mind, but I'd the sell, the new neighbor could force you to move it. Smart to understand chicken math. Guidelines on BYC typically say 4 sqft / chicken in the coop and 10 sqft in the run. I've learned that...
  3. NHMountainMan

    Would you put a coop here? 🤔

    Do you have any setback requirements from neighbors /property line? Otherwise it looks like a great spot. My advice is to build 4x6. You'll never regret going bigger, but could easily regret going smaller. Good luck
  4. NHMountainMan

    Predator took all 5 hens last night! I feel horrible!

    I'm sorry for your loss. How big was the door that was open? Was it a chicken sized pop door? If the predator had to go through a small door, I'm guessing fox. It's got to be able to climb the fence while carrying the chicken.
  5. NHMountainMan

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    In the US, I've had gator, frog legs & rattlesnake. Abroad- kangaroo, croc, ostrich, scorpion, snakes (cobra & others), turtle, and shark. Some really terrible sushi -(sea urchin ugh). Coworkers would take me out to dinner to see what local "delicacy" they could get me to try. And parts of...
  6. NHMountainMan

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Good morning one and all (and good night down under). I'm two cups in and catching up one the thread. Glad it's transitioned to eating Mexican (food) instead of cat tacos. Going to need another cup before I'm awake enough to disclose all of the weird stuff I ate while living and traveling in...
  7. NHMountainMan

    What did you do in the garden today?

    You don't see many outdoor cats around here. Coyotes take them very quickly. Even small dogs can't be far from an owner.
  8. NHMountainMan

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Could it be the attached?
  9. NHMountainMan

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I've been looking for a pup and may have found a pyr/ Anatolian mix. - I did look for a maremma but couldn't find an active breeder in the area to talk to.
  10. NHMountainMan

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Looking forward to someone from Cali to answer. I found a wild currant tomato tree. How big is the fruit?
  11. NHMountainMan

    What did you do in the garden today?

    What type of big dogs are mouse killers??
  12. NHMountainMan

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I don't like poison - but every morning when I water, I have to empty every spring mousetrap I have. I don't even make a dent in the mouse population.
  13. NHMountainMan

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    We're kind of in the waiting for grandkids mode - I admit to having strong memories of spit up and dirty diapers, but clean baby smells escape me.
  14. NHMountainMan

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Will using coyote pee attack more coyotes? Thanks for the advice on corn - that may work is I plan a lot. The porcupines killed all 4 pear trees, and 1 apple tree. Anyone old enough to remember Elmer Fudd from the Bugs Bunny cartoons? I'm like that - "be vewy vewy quiet - I'm hunting...
  15. NHMountainMan


    I'm an early bird - and usually let the dog out at around 4:30 a.m, when its still pitch dark. Within 10 seconds of me turning on a light, the cockerels start crowing from inside the coop. He must see the light through the window. Then the dog barks a quick hello, and everything goes quiet again...
  16. NHMountainMan

    One Newbie’s Journey: Part 2 – Rethinking my plan

    One Newbie’s Journey: Part 2 – Rethinking my plan Now 11 months after ordering my first chicks, and starting construction on my too small coop for my too large flock – I’ve had time to rethink, refine and research my chicken plans. In part 1, I detailed my research and reason for getting into...
  17. NHMountainMan

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Sending prayers your way! Good luck!
  18. NHMountainMan

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Are you getting some impact from the fires? I know NSW has some fires burning.
  19. NHMountainMan

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Garden advice needed! Zone 4a I've got a large raised bed garden. My biggest pest problems are mice getting at the tomatoes and porcupine destroying everything else. My plan is to use electric poultry netting for the porkies. I've trapped & relocated (didn't know that was a violation) and shot...
  20. NHMountainMan

    Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

    Wonderful story - Thanks for sharing! “If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” – Will Rogers
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