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  1. Wfhill

    Humidity is too high in incubator

    I know this has been discussed many times, however, I cannot find anything that tells me how to lower the humidity in my still air incubator right after I put my eggs in. Most of them are answers to lockdown humidity. How do I get my still air incubator to lower humidity? It's at 81% and I...
  2. Wfhill

    Egg zipping but no progress

    Also, can I take the other 2 chicks out? I've read that opening and closing the incubator lid is a no-no during hatching. Doesn't it totally mess up the temperature and humidity?
  3. Wfhill

    Egg zipping but no progress

    So, I should interfere? Is that the beak sticking out? It wasn't there earlier
  4. Wfhill

    Egg zipping but no progress

    I guess that's a beak?
  5. Wfhill

    Egg zipping but no progress

    2 of 4 eggs have hatched in incubator but 1 pipped last evening and has started the zip but absolutely no progress today, all day. I see the feathers of the chick but I do not see a beak or anything. Should I be concerned? I'm not a complete newbie, but still learning. Should we interfere yet?
  6. Wfhill

    BR Roo x Speckled Sussex

    No one else has a clue??
  7. Wfhill

    BR Roo x Speckled Sussex

    Would a rooster have a white dot on head
  8. Wfhill

    BR Roo x Speckled Sussex

    I have 2 chicks hatched this morning with this mix. What will they look like? What am I getting??
  9. Wfhill

    Barred rock rooster breeding

    I'm not new to chickens but new to possible chick hatching. I just acquired a 3.5 month old BR rooster and I have a hodge podge of hens. Americaunas, red sexlink, EE, cinnamon queen, blue andalusian, speckled sussexs, and a few more. What will I most likely end up with with these crosses?
  10. Wfhill

    What do you do with your dead (chickens, ducks, quail, etc...)

    Good question....I always wrapped them in a plastic bag then threw it in the dumpster. not good, I know, and the waste management guys probably hate me, lol.
  11. Wfhill

    Worst Night Ever For Snakes. (Killed 3)

    We got some of that netting and placed it around the coop. I learned this from YouTube and it will catch the snakes in it and they cannot get out. Then you have to kill the suckers but that is usually a pleasure when they're after your chickens.
  12. Wfhill

    New member

    I'd love to!! He's pretty and watches over his hens , but, I don't like them hiding from him.
  13. Wfhill

    New member

    Thank u!!
  14. Wfhill

    New member

  15. Wfhill

    New member

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Got my first batch about 2 1/2 yrs ago. Got 5 roosters out of 8 chicks. SR (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 7 (3) What breeds do you have? Rhode Island Red rooster(who is going to die soon cause he's mean to 2 of my...
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