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  1. azygous

    Adult chicken integration advice needed

    It's up to your chickens. But you may be in for a surprise. I have two coops with a common run. I use the smaller coop to move young chicks into when they are ready to leave the brooder. Once they grow to adulthood, they often move to the larger coop of their own volition. Occasionally...
  2. azygous

    Swollen abdomen, no egg that I can tell

    And be sure she has access to water to drink. Dehydration complicates egg binding. A little added sugar will both encourage drinking and the sugar will elevate glucose to give her more strength to accomplish her mission.
  3. azygous

    Romaine Lettuce to 3 month old chickens?

    Great! Go for it!
  4. azygous

    Adult chicken integration advice needed

    Try it under supervision. They've had long enough to become acquainted. Here's what you can expect, and understand that it's completely normal. Upon gaining access to one another, the bolder chickens of each group will peck others of the opposite group on the head, both out of curiosity and...
  5. azygous

    Swollen abdomen, no egg that I can tell

    Since she was laying before this, it's logical to treat for egg binding. It can cause poop to back up, so your poking around likely gave her some relief. But continue to treat for egg binding. She's had enough soaks. Now she needs rest, quiet, and privacy. And a calcium tablet to promote...
  6. azygous

    Romaine Lettuce to 3 month old chickens?

    It's safe. Make sure they are getting grit, though.
  7. azygous

    Is small poops normal?

    The small poop may be a symptom of her cancer, but it can also be normal. The oldest hen in my flock, although very healthy in spite of no longer laying, occasionally has bouts of tiny, solid poops like that. It may also be a symptom of dehydration. I suggest two things. Give her a probiotic...
  8. azygous

    Strange question, for an odd situation with 2 peeps.

    Usually baby chicks take their cues from each other. Like humans, they are copy cats. I haven't had very many of these problem chicks either, and when I do, they are usually failure-to-thrive. So keep an eye on them for signs of lagging development. By the beginning of the second week, FTTs are...
  9. azygous

    Strange question, for an odd situation with 2 peeps.

    At such a young age, these two may simply be slow learners. Constant chirping can indicate distress, usually hunger. Baby chicks in their first week are so much like new born human infants, the comparison in uncanny. They loudly make demands when they feel the tiniest discomfort, and it sounds...
  10. azygous

    Rooster can't lift head

    I hope you've fixed the vulnerability in your coop. Your rooster could have a spinal injury. He may also be suffering from shock from the attack. Treat the shock with a cup of water with one teaspoon sugar and a pinch of salt and baking soda. Dip his beak so he will be encouraged to drink it...
  11. azygous

    Strange question, for an odd situation with 2 peeps.

    Age of these two chicks? Can you post a photo? What is their size in relation to the other normal behaving chicks? What does the poop of these two chicks look like? Firm like normal or scant and tiny turds, or runny, watery, mucous content, green bile chunks present?
  12. azygous

    How do I use Acidified Copper Sulfate properly?

    Go back up to my post in window #16, follow those instructions, and just skip the step where you add vinegar since the acid is already included in the copper sulfate in your bag. That should be pretty simple. What you will then have is a small jug of "stock solution" that you use to add to the...
  13. azygous

    Need help!! Sick chicken, breastbone protruding, she's not eating, advice pleass

    Yes. That's the stuff! Pick up a bottle of Poultry Nutri-drench while you're there. But don't give these vitamins during the Corid treatment. Give her a dropper full each day between the Corid rounds. I like to sprinkle them on boiled rice. That should help put some weight back on her. Break a...
  14. azygous

    How do you deal with the heat for the ladies..?

    Another tip for cooling chickens on very hot days is to empty out your freezer of ice cubes, put them in a large feeding pan, and the chickens will delight in scratching and playing in them and drinking the ice melt.
  15. azygous

    How do you deal with the heat for the ladies..?

    Heat sickness is a very big risk factor when the temps get up over eighty. If it's humid, it's an even bigger problem, but the fans will help. Misters, as @Auntiejessi3 pointed out, are of dubious value in a humid climate. Chickens are very good at finding damp, cool spots to dig holes in for...
  16. azygous

    Nasty butt

    Perfect butt washing weather!
  17. azygous

    Need help!! Sick chicken, breastbone protruding, she's not eating, advice pleass

    This hen may have coccidiosis and I would treat all your chickens that you moved to your sister's. When chickens are moved to a new location, sometimes they will not be resistant to the local strain of coccidia and will then get sick. Corid liquid in the water at two teaspoons per gallon for...
  18. azygous

    Nasty butt

    Sometimes you can pull the dried poop off the feathers. But if this chicken has very runny poop, it may be hardened like cement. In that case, a tub of warm water and a little baby body wash will be in order. Back the chicken up to the basin and splash water on the butt to loosen the poop, then...
  19. azygous

    How do I use Acidified Copper Sulfate properly?

    Follow the directions on your bag of acidified copper sulfate.
  20. azygous

    Does Anybody Know...

    What you are likely experiencing is the sensation of pain from the release of gastric acid as you anticipate the food that you will soon be eating. Just thinking about food, knowing you will soon be consuming it, gets the juices flowing. It also happens in your mouth, as well. Here is the...
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