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  1. urban orpington

    Newbie Freak Out!

    Yeah, I am aware that there's a certain amount of chasing and pecking takes place but the new girls' standard of living was awful. They were hiding in the coop refusing to move out of fear. We'll see how the new arrangement works out.
  2. urban orpington

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I spent all weekend digging a new gravel foundation for the coop/run and I built a detachable roof for the run. Here's the roof (in a picture I took before I straightened out the corrugated steel...boy, it looks wobbly in that picture!)
  3. urban orpington

    Newbie Freak Out!

    We've decided to remove Henrietta from the main coop for a while. The two new girls spent all weekend cowering in the coop and we felt like that just wasn't healthy. So Henny gets a new home for a little while and Zelda and Tipper can acclimate to the coop without fear. Henrietta's not...
  4. urban orpington

    Citronella Plant

    Awesome! Thanks for the info.
  5. urban orpington

    Newbie Freak Out!

    Yeah, we've got two feeding areas set up but our Orpington cornered the two new girls and made them watch her eat all of the food from the bowl they had been eating from. haha.
  6. urban orpington

    Newbie Freak Out!

    The new girls survived the night. They seem pretty shell-shocked and are hiding under the coop. They might be hungry, Henrietta ate all the food in their bowl. It feels like she's being kind of a brat. But no one seems hopefully everything is working out.
  7. urban orpington

    Newbie Freak Out!

    AAAHHHH! Here I go again. So after they slept so peacefully adjacent to each other last night, my wife and I decided to open the door separating Henny and the new girls. After a few minutes of peace, Henny cornered the new girls, pecked at them and even used her feet some. Of course...
  8. urban orpington

    Citronella Plant

    We have a really bad mosquito problem in our backyard. So bad that, when we go out, my wife and I look like Charlie Brown's friend Pigpen...but instead of dirt it's a cloud of mosquitoes. While I am fine with dousing myself in Off for extended visits to the coop or backyard, I hate coming back...
  9. urban orpington

    Newbie Freak Out!

    This weekend I am digging a new foundation for the coop and a detachable roof for the run. Since I am going to be in the yard all day, I think I am finally going to pull the trigger on putting the new girls in with Henrietta. That way I can be present and make sure they nothing goes beyond...
  10. urban orpington

    Chicken Socialization

    That's what I figured. It just takes time. My wife and I have just enjoyed how personable our first hen is, so I was hoping we could replicate the same result. They're just so skittish! They wont let us give them treats. We have to set them down within their reach and then walk away before...
  11. urban orpington

    Chicken Socialization

    I think this is a good place to ask this question. My wife and I have a Buff Orpinton of unknown age that is super social. When she came to us she had obviously been around humans a lot and wasn't scared of us at all. For example, a couple of weeks ago she hopped right into my...
  12. urban orpington

    Coop Floor Advice

    The run is maybe about 12 foot by 4 foot. It's just a place for our three hens to have some room to stretch their legs when my wife and I are at work. Then there's a little 4 by 2 coop connected to it. Based on what you're saying, I think I might dig a six inch foundation and fill it with...
  13. urban orpington

    Coop Floor Advice

    So, like a drainage stone? Or a gravel of some sort? I guess it needs to be big enough for them not to eat it right? So no pea gravel?
  14. urban orpington

    Coop Floor Advice

    I've spent the better part of three days sifting through a ton of the information in these forums, but I couldn't find exactly the information I was looking for. Admittedly, I may have just missed it. (As an aside, thank goodness for you people. This site has helped me and my wife out with our...
  15. urban orpington

    Newbie Freak Out!

    Just so I'm prepared.... Would a little chasing and pecking be normal while they get to know each other? My Sex-link isn't that much smaller than my Buff Orpington, so I hope she'll stand her ground. I am more concerned about the Cochin Bantam. She's so wee!
  16. urban orpington

    Newbie Freak Out!

    Our new girls are still afraid of their own shadows and super-skittish and they wont go up into the coup. Our original hen is still kind of frantic. ...and my worry over the chickens is starting to stress my wife out. When I introduce them to the same area, I am going to have to...
  17. urban orpington

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Yeah, for weeks I told my wife that two was our limit. Then when we got to the farm, I decided we needed a third. But three is definitely our limit...definitely.
  18. urban orpington

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Morning! I don't mean to step into the middle of a bunch of conversation, but I thought I'd stop in and say "hi!" My wife and I are originally from Tullahoma but live in downtown Murfreesboro now. We adopted a lost Buff Orpington a few months ago and just bought a Black Sex-link and Blue...
  19. urban orpington

    post your chicken coop pictures here!'s funny that you happen to ask that. She is incredibly social and paces back and forth trying to get our attention if she's not out of her run. My wife and I figured she was lonely, and just Saturday we bought her two friends.
  20. urban orpington

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I know it's rinky-dink but my wife and I are kind of having to learn how to take care of chickens on the fly. We (with the help of my father-in-law) took a pre-fab coop and two prefab runs and connected them into a larger run to give Henrietta little more room when we're away at work. It...
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