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  1. Red-tailed Hawk

    What type of fencing do you rural folk use?

    My girls don't even hop chicken wire. My main concern is the neighbor dogs. We have several acres and I'm planning on fencing probably 2.5 of them. But I am concerned about the stupid neighbor dogs either hoping the fence or breaking it. Ironically 3 from one house were just here and tried going...
  2. Red-tailed Hawk

    What type of fencing do you rural folk use?

    I'm not new to rural living, but I am new to neighbors who let their dogs roam. I have at least 3 neighbors where I currently live on several acres who let their large dogs roam free. Talking to them doesn't work and I'd rather not deal with the headache and drama of either shooting their dogs...
  3. Red-tailed Hawk

    Neighbor's dog attacking chickens.

    Thanks. I like to deal with things just between people, but my neighbor doesn't seem to give a crap. So, I'm probably going to have to call animal control too. The neighbor's dogs were on my property today less than 24 hr since my last interaction with my neighbor. Some how I don't think my...
  4. Red-tailed Hawk

    Neighbor's dog attacking chickens.

    Aynesidea, I know this thread is a little older, but your situation sounds like mine. I've got a neighbor near me who has tons of cats and multiple dogs that regularly run across several acres of her property and then several acres of my property to try to dig into our coop. I can't even let my...
  5. Red-tailed Hawk

    Anyone know where to get chickens butchered near St. Charles/St. Louis MO?

    My husband is considering taking a job in Missouri, but we are concerned about finding a place to butcher our chickens out there. We have been raising all our own chickens for several years and don't want to give that up since food shortages seem to be in the US's future. We don't really have...
  6. Red-tailed Hawk

    OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

    So, I have been working on convincing my husband to let me raise chickens for years. We have ducks, but those are pets not food. Now that we live in the country the only thing keeping me back from getting chickens is knowing where to get them processed and how much it costs. I know we...
  7. Red-tailed Hawk

    Anyone know where to have chickens processed around Circleville or Chillicothe Ohio?

    So, I have been working on convincing my husband to let me raise chickens for years. We have ducks, but those are pets not food. Now that we live in the country the only thing keeping me back from getting chickens is knowing where to get them processed and how much it costs. I know we...
  8. Red-tailed Hawk

    Poultry processing around Columbus or Chillicothe Ohio

    Does anyone know of anywhere reputable that does a good job of processing chickens somewhere near the Columbus/Chillicothe area and how much they charge? What is it like when they process them? Is it just kill, pluck, and gut or do they cut it up, debone it, and flash freeze it? I'm wanting to...
  9. Red-tailed Hawk

    Assorted Hatching Eggs, Chicks, Poults & Ducklings for Sale

    Cool. What breeds of geese do you do?
  10. Red-tailed Hawk

    Assorted Hatching Eggs, Chicks, Poults & Ducklings for Sale

    I'll have to wait until the February batch. Do you just post on this thread when you are hatching them?
  11. Red-tailed Hawk

    Meyer Fry Pan Bargain

    I have a question that may sound like a dumb question, but I grew up in the suburbs where all our chickens came neatly packaged and the only livestock we had were four pet ducks. How do you preserve all your chicken meat? I'd love to have my own homegrown free range flock of chicken tenders...
  12. Red-tailed Hawk

    Assorted Hatching Eggs, Chicks, Poults & Ducklings for Sale

    It'll be a while before I could get any because I'm in the middle of selling my place and moving, but I do have a few questions for you. Can you sex day old ducklings? I'm in Ohio too. Do you allow pickups for the duckling so they don't have to be mailed? How much do you charge for them? How...
  13. Red-tailed Hawk

    Assorted Hatching Eggs, Chicks, Poults & Ducklings for Sale

    Are the ducklings you hatch straight run only? I'd love to get a couple female Anconas ducks, but pretty much everyone only offer straight run.
  14. Red-tailed Hawk

    Ancona Ducklings and Hatching Eggs

    Are they straight run or sexed? I'd be possibly interested in a few females to add to my flock.
  15. Red-tailed Hawk

    Anyone know where you can buy female ancona or magpie ducklings?

    Cool. Thanks. I'll check them out.
  16. Red-tailed Hawk

    Anyone know where you can buy female ancona or magpie ducklings?

    I am planning on adding a couple ducks to my flock and would love to add a magpie and ancona but I can't seem to find anywhere online to order sexed ducklings. I already have four females so I don't really want any frames for the obvious reason that I don't want twenty new birds in a year...
  17. Red-tailed Hawk

    Do multiple ducks lay thier eggs in the same nest?

    Ok, wierd thing happened this morning. I went to let my girls out of their house this morning and found the usual random duck egg by the front door of thier house (Thier house is two dog houses that we put together to make one long duck house.) That was pretty normal. They started laying a...
  18. Red-tailed Hawk

    Anyone ever ordered ducklings from Meyer Hatchery?

    I read on Meyer's site that they had expanded due to high demand. I don't think they got them from Metzer because Metzer doesn't offer all of the same breeds that Meyer does. If I'd known I was going to be having birds coming from California I very well might have ordered their white layer.or...
  19. Red-tailed Hawk

    Anyone ever ordered ducklings from Meyer Hatchery?

    They are four or five days old. Their room is 71-73 degrees. When they have the red light which 250 they hide from it. They literally get as far away as possible and after a while start panting. They seem very comfortable in the white light which is 150 and lay sort of near it, but not under...
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