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  1. 73luke

    DIY Watering suggestions please!

    I've created a waterer out of an old water cooler bottle. I cut the top part off then inverted it before tapping it back together. I then placed materiel over the hole witha weighted bowl over that, this allows the bottle to fill up itself when it rains but the material keeps bugs and debris...
  2. 73luke

    ****** DIY chicken feeder pipe! ******

    The pipe itself is held in place by a hinged wooden piece. This moves out of the way and allows the pipe to be lowered towards me to be filled.
  3. 73luke

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Hi there, the pipe comes out with remarkable ease and when its almost empty it weighs very little, cant say the same when I top it up of course. I think putting something around the top section of the holes that the feed comes through will stop the feed spillage hopefully, thanks for the tip.
  4. 73luke

    Show us your nest boxes! Ingenous design post it here!

    I built this nest box out of pallet wood and filled it with shavings but the eggs were still getting laid in random places in the coop so I attached some material for curtains and hey presto...eggs in the nest!!
  5. 73luke

    Nipple Waterer with water cooler bottle

    Ive just started my new coop/run and this has worked a real treat for me and the girls. 3 nipples on a short pvc pipe connected to a water cooler bottle kept on the outside of the run to make life easier for me. It holds 19 litres, I just add a little apple cider vinegar to stop anything...
  6. 73luke

    ****** DIY chicken feeder pipe! ******

    I created my feeder using a 6 foot length of waste pipe with a cowling ( intended for poking through the roof of a house ) upturned for the feed a treat and holds a months supply for 4 birds.
  7. 73luke

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    I thought I would add a few images of my new run/coop. The feeder was made from an off cut of waste pipe with a cowling attached to the end, this normally extends out of the roof of a house but turning upside down made the perfect feed bowl. The waterer was made just using 3 nipples and some pvc...
  8. 73luke

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    This is my first attempt at building a coop and run and ive loved every minute of it. Its 12 feet x 7 external with a 7 feet x 3.5 feet internal and I have 4 birds. Ive filled the run and coop with sand and made a roost from an old tree branch. Most of the material used was reclaimed....6...
  9. 73luke

    Roost height in coop

    Hi there, I was thinking of just moving the existing one higher.
  10. 73luke

    Roost height in coop

    Hi guys, Ive just converted an old bicycle shed which measures 7 feet x 3.5 feet into a coop for 4 chickens and I have put a roost made from an old tree branch at around 10 inches high. I would like to give them a higher roost but im worried that given its only 3.5 feet wide will they have...
  11. 73luke

    Is it ok leaving coop door open for a few days?

    Hi guys, I have recently inherited 3 Lohmann Browns. They came with a coop and small run which I have added to so now they have a covered run of around 12 square metres on paving slabs to prevent any unwanted predators digging their way in. My question is can I go away for a few days ( 4 or...
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