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  1. chloechickens01

    Chick Brooder *Please Answer!*

    Ok, I know this may be a little late, but my chicks are coming in the beginning on July... which is really soon. I want to make a new brooder because Im going to be raising the chicks in my garage, where all my cats and my puppy stays. I dont want to use a water tank like how some use, because...
  2. chloechickens01

    Who plays Feral Heart?

    Who all plays Feral Heart here? Im new to it and just like to know if any fellow chicken raisers played it too! :)
  3. chloechickens01

    Does anyone else teach their precious chickens tricks?

    I love to be outside with my chickens, and so I teach them tricks too! I've taught them to jump high for treats, jump onto my lap for a few mealwoms, and one has accidently gotten to my head! I use mealworms that I usually buy from TSC, they're probably at other feed stores too. But my chickens...
  4. chloechickens01

    I Got a New Dog!

    Yesterday, my mom told me her friend's lab had puppies and she's selling them for $50, and my mom would buy me one for Easter and because we need another dog. So, we went and got a 6 week old yellow lab pup around 5pm last night. FIRST I need to ask: - Well, we still have no name picked out...
  5. chloechickens01

    What breeds of chickens should I get?

    It's that time of year again to buy some more chicks, and I was wanting to know what kind of breeds I should get. I live in Southern Illinois, and I have a smaller flock of 11 chickens. I have Speckled Sussex, Australorps, Ameracaunas, and Rhode Island Reds. I want mainly egg layers, and...
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