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  • Users: Gargoyle
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  1. Gargoyle

    What breed is she? Perhaps Australorp?

    Slick is 21 weeks old, and the feed store had her in a bin of Mystic Onyx. The other girl we got from that bin is definitely Mystic Onyx, this one doesn't meet the description. To me she looks like she could be an Astralorp; however, since Mystic Onyx is a new hybrid breed, perhaps she is just a...
  2. Gargoyle

    Fly strike treatment with Cold Water, fast results

    We just spotted fly strike on one of our older hens. Isolated her and began treatment immediately. Washed her with warm saline water (epsom salt) and sprayed with betadine diluted in water. Then tried four times washing/flushing with the warm water solutions, as is recommended in a lot of...
  3. Gargoyle

    Sour crop and round worm treatment.

    I was concerned about one of our 2 year old Wyandottes two days ago, picked her up and extremely smelly yellowish liquid started pouring out of her mouth. Carefully held her pointed somewhat down, and a good 3 to 4 ounces poured out. Definite sour crop indication. Immediately took her inside to...
  4. Gargoyle

    4 week old Wyandotte- trying to crow?

    Black laced silver Wyandotte, they are all supposed to be pullets. Crema, on the left, has always been the smallest of the three. But what is she doing, is she trying to crow? Or could it be a digestive issue, she's the one I asked about in a different thread, who has frequent very watery poops...
  5. Gargoyle

    4 week old Wyandotte, watery lumpy poop

    A poop question: We have three black laced silver Wyandottes pullets, 4 weeks old. They're very active and seem fine, eating and drinking well; Purina medicated chick feed, and chick boost (probiotic and vitamins) in their water. They love scratching and pecking at their bedding, and they're...
  6. Gargoyle

    Is this a lash egg?

    Is this a lash egg? Third one in four days, seems much smaller than what I find online researching lash eggs. I cut the other two open. They seemed almost like kidney beans. They have a thin rubbery skin, and inside they are very smooth with a consistent texture, a bit lighter color than the...
  7. Gargoyle

    Italian National Poultry Championship Dec. 2018

    In December we were in Italy, near the famed marble quarries of Carrara. I go there to select marble for my sculpture. A friend mentioned to me that the Italian National Poultry Championship, the XXV Campionati Italiani di Avicoltura, was being held that weekend at the convention center in...
  8. Gargoyle

    Help identifying breeds - from Italian chicken show

    In December we were in Italy, and I learned from a friend that the Italian National Championship show, the XXV Campionati Italiani di Avicoltura, was being held that weekend in Carrara, just 15 minutes north of where we were; so, of course, my wife and I spent all Saturday there and took a LOT...
  9. Gargoyle

    Mossy, memorial stone

    Mossy, a Columbian Wyandotte chicken, was with us for over 7 years. Friendly, extremely smart and observant, with a great memory and a very pleasant but strong personality, she captured our hearts, providing us not just with over 1000 eggs but with years of fun and joy. She earned her place in...
  10. Gargoyle

    Old girls return from a long break

    We have a small flock, so they are pretty close knit. Tina died suddenly last August (I think she ate something bad, she got sick, weak and went in two days), and the others were pretty upset. Mossy and Goldie immediately stopped laying, and Tessa stopped a couple weeks later. They were getting...
  11. Gargoyle

    Default image size

    The default largest inline image display size is width 500, height 1000. That can, of course, be changed by using the source setting in the post composition window, but I'm sure hardly anyone knows about or uses that button. The size seems odd to me. 500 px is pretty narrow for good display in...
  12. Gargoyle

    Coolest coop ever

    My friend Kino Kopelov, of Kopelov Cut Stone in Bernarillo, New Mexico, just built this limestone coop for his little flock. These photos were taken while Kino and his father Labe were building the coop. They cut all the stone in their shop, and Kino did all the carving. He's on FB at...
  13. Gargoyle

    Simple clover and plant feeder

    This simple feeder just took me a few minutes to make with scrap materials, and as you see, our chooks love it... especially with clover, but we've used it with dandelions and other plants. I took a scrap piece of stone and drilled two holes 1-1/2" diameter and about 1-1/2 to 2" deep. I then...
  14. Gargoyle

    Freezing or canning clover to save for the winter?

    Our chooks LOVE clover, and we have a huge amount growing on our property. However, winter will be here before we're ready, and the clover will be gone. I can harvest a bushel in a few minutes, but how can I save it to give them treats in six or seven months?
  15. Gargoyle

    La Grange WI huge commercial chicken farm fire

    Jan 31 2014 A four alarm fire destroyed a barn at a large southeastern Wisconsin egg farm. Estimated 300,000 chickens lost. S&R Egg Farm is a third-generation, family-owned business founded in 1958, the 800 acre farm has 2.4 million hens and produces 2 million eggs a day. They have 14 other...
  16. Gargoyle

    Milky line in eye- cataract or something else? (photos)

    One of our hens has a milky white line in her left eye. Right eye is clear. She doesn't seem to see well out of the left eye. She's a 3 year old Columbian Wyandotte. Does this look like a cataract, or perhaps an infection or problem with the nictitating membrane (inner eyelid) or some other eye...
  17. Gargoyle

    Add a word, Ruin a movie

    Add one word to a movie title... Here are some samples to start us off: Pacific Rim Shot Die Hard Batteries Man of Steel Drawers Jurassic Car Park
  18. Gargoyle

    Mobile/Desktop coordinating memory of what you've read

    The mobile version and desktop version don't communicate as to what is my last read post in a thread. So, if I've read to post 365 on the desktop machine, but last time I logged in with the mobile I was as post 357, it loads to 358 as the newest unread post, not to 366. Do they get that info...
  19. Gargoyle

    Drag and drop image embedding

    I tried embedding an image using drag and drop instead of the insert image icon. The image appears in my post edit screen, but it doesn't show up online. Then, if I try edit post, I can see the image- when I go to source editing mode, I see the digital code of the image, rather than the image...
  20. Gargoyle

    Duck gets 3D printed replacement foot

    Buttercup the Duck was born with a backwards left foot. The foot had to be amputated, and months later, after the duck had healed, a prosthetic foot was created using computer modeling and 3D printing. Buttercup has a facebook page, of course. From one of Buttercup's FB posts: Quote...
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