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  1. Layla_Chickens

    What is going on with my silkie hen?

    I have a silkie hen and she has never had chicks but has layed normally. So now she has decided she wants to have chicks so she's been in the nesting box and protecting her eggs and everything and I couldn't be more proud. But before anything happened I had introduced another hen I had from my...
  2. Layla_Chickens

    Broody hen!

    I while back I posted about my broody hen and how she was so eager to hatch. Since that day she has still been broody and I have no Idea what to do. I have taken her eggs then have let her laid them, i've separated her then put her back, I've even hand fed her in fear that she'll starve. She...
  3. Layla_Chickens


    I need help ASAP. I have this 1-2 year old silkie and she has been fine until now. This morning she was her usual active self, eating, drinking everything. I came back from school and I find her isolated and in position to lay, which isn't odd since she's a hen. But she stood up and pooped this...
  4. Layla_Chickens

    Need help locating breeders

    Does any one know any chicken breeders in central florida near the Orlando and Oviedo area? Thanks!
  5. Layla_Chickens

    What breed is my Hen?

    Hi! I have had this hen for 2 years now and never knew her breed. The place where I bought her from never told me what breed she is. (Sorry if I'm holding her wrong, she's really fat and heavy.)
  6. Layla_Chickens


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I can say I am intermediate with chickens. I have owned chickens for the past 2 years and found that they are great animals. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I own approximately 12 chickens. They are very nice chickens...
  7. Layla_Chickens

    My hen is causing a disaster

    I have two separate coops, one is with my goats and the other is plain chickens. I have this hen (she is part silkie and another breed im not familiar with) she has always been really active and never has caused any problems until now. I stared seeing her being in the nesting box ALL day. When...
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