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  1. R

    My Treatments for Bumblefoot are not working. Are there any alternatives?

    My duck, Honky, has bumblefoot on the soles of both feet. Her left foot has a significant scab on it, but her right has only a small dot. Since August 23rd, I have been soaking her feet twenty minutes at a time, twice daily, in half a gallon of water with one cup of epsom salt, and a few...
  2. R

    Can I treat this case of Bumblefoot without Surgery?

    One of my Anconas has lumps on the balls of both her feet. Here is a picture of the worst one. Today, I put her in an Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes, and sprayed blu-kote on her feet. I don't have any duck shoes for her. I plan to do the same every morning and afternoon until she heals. Is...
  3. R

    How to Treat Duck with Neck Wounds?

    One of my ancona ducks was wounded. I don't know by what, but I suspect either a stray cat because she appears to have been bitten on the neck, but hasn't been killed, so I am assuming whatever attacked her tried to drag her away without shaking her. I just walked outside because one of my dogs...
  4. R

    Vet wants me to reduce protein below 14% for angel wing

    I took my Ancona duck to an avian vet for angel wing. To my surprise, instead of wrapping the wing, he suggested cutting protein by some unspecified amount, and told me to get another appointment if it gets worse. I told him I am already using a 14% protein, feed(Mazuri waterfowl maintenance)...
  5. R

    How to remove tape from wings?

    One of my ducks has angel wing and I am considering taping it since I have tried a variety of wraps without success. I have looked online, but I've been unable to find any articles or videos on removing tape after it's been applied for a week or so.
  6. R

    Can Ducks Swim With Wrapped Wings?

    I have a six week old duckling that has angel wing. I've been treating her by wrapping her wings close to her body with vetrap and a chicken harness. I have heard this can put her at a risk of drowning, so I changed my block's run so that it only has water shallow enough for them to stand in...
  7. R

    Duck with Possible Angel Wing

    I posted on the duck forum first, but was advised to post here. I have an exactly six week old ancona duckling that I think may have angel wing. I got three others at the same time, and fed them the same, and they do not appear to have the same issue. Is this angel wing? Should I try and treat...
  8. R

    Possible Angel Wing?

    I have an exactly six week old ancona duckling that I think may have angel wing. I got three others at the same time, and fed them the same, and they do not appear to have the same issue. Is this angel wing? Should I try and treat it myself? I have seen the sticky post on angel wing.
  9. R

    5-week-old duckling has some slight bleeding in her new feathers.

    I couldn't get a great shot of it, but one of my four ancona ducklings has some slight bleeding on some of her new wing feathers. I am not sure how serious this is, but I'd like to know if there is anything I should do.
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