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  1. Littledinostaurs

    What is this

    I have this rooster and can’t seem to find it on the internet does anyone know what it is
  2. Littledinostaurs

    Broody Chicken

    I have a old English game bantam that wants to be broody and it shows but she isn’t sitting on the eggs she is just walking around, but whenever another chicken walks by her, she’ll start to fluff her feathers up and act like she’s protecting chicks. Could it be that she is wanting to have a...
  3. Littledinostaurs


    Look to buy American Game mainly but also Lady roundhead, kelso, and sweater but I need to find a place to find them where the price is reasonable not 2000-1500 for two birds any suggestions
  4. Littledinostaurs


    It got some wood ducks babies and they are freaking out jumping 24/7 I don’t know if they are eating or drinking because of them freaking out I need some advice because I really need them to survive
  5. Littledinostaurs

    Narragansett Turkeys

    I’m wanting to get Narragansett turkeys and I’m just wondering how well they can fly and how high because I’m going to let the free range 24/7 and I’m not to worried about predators because we like in a open field with no woods for a long distance except for a few trees and I don’t know whether...
  6. Littledinostaurs


    I’m looking to show chickens and I’m trying to figure out what pen setup I would need so that the birds are in good condition for showing.
  7. Littledinostaurs

    Call Ducks

    Where could I find call ducks for a respectable price online?
  8. Littledinostaurs


    My chickens eyes have seem to gotten swollen and she has very low metabolism
  9. Littledinostaurs

    Female behavior

    I had two female Pekin ducks and they would frequently mate with each other even though the had males I guess they had sum sort of relationship 😂 is that unusual?
  10. Littledinostaurs

    Release Hunting

    I was wondering if you could raise native quail and release them into a quail friendly habitat and hunt them just like you would wild quail🧐
  11. Littledinostaurs

    Friendly Duck Breeds?

    Wanting to get some ducks mainly ones that can fly but also some that can’t and I’m wondering what ducks would be the best to keep as pets and them be friendly and not skidish
  12. Littledinostaurs

    Automatic door

    What would be the best brand to get for automatic doors? Because it need them asap because i had a mink that were getting into my houses and killed them
  13. Littledinostaurs

    HELP!! Plz

    Ok so I began to pluck my chicken and I noticed this🤮
  14. Littledinostaurs

    Flying Chickens!!

    I would like to hear some stories or personal experiences What is the flightiest chicken breed? What are some stories of your flying chickens?
  15. Littledinostaurs

    Is it really??

    I bought 3 gold laced Wyandottes and one of them doesnt look like the others
  16. Littledinostaurs

    From who?

    Both of these eggs are from my supposedly Delawares but one is light brown with white spots and the other is almost pink with white stops are they different breeds?
  17. Littledinostaurs

    Is my chickens supposed to lay this

    So I got a eggs from my maran hen *First Egg* is it supposed to look like this it looks like a welsummer egg
  18. Littledinostaurs

    Unknown bump

    I was at the chicken pens checking on them and it caught one of them and it turns out that it has a large look bump at like the middle of its breast bone and I don’t know what it is anyone have any idea
  19. Littledinostaurs

    Laying Issues

    I moved one of my chickens to another pen with its own kind and she stopped laying but before she would lay like every day
  20. Littledinostaurs

    Help I don’t know what to do

    So this afternoon I came to check on the chickens and I saw something wrong with this chickens eyes and I don’t know what to do is it contagious or what
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