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  1. LiizardWiitch

    Rooster suddenly attacking one hen

    I have a flock of silkies and they are all reaching a year old. I have a silkie rooster about the same age in there with them. He was raised with them from chicks. Hes never been mean to me and he does great around hatching chicks and little ones, but suddenly this week he is beating the...
  2. LiizardWiitch

    Wry neck

    I have a 9 week old silkie chick with terrible wry neck. Ive been doing the typical vitamin treatments for about 6 days and antibiotics for 3 days. This poor chick is not getting better. It has moments where it can stand upright and walk around, but if it tried to drink on its own its neck get...
  3. LiizardWiitch

    Silkie genders

    They are about 10 weeks now im thinking the darker one might be a roo? And then a hen? Or both roos?
  4. LiizardWiitch

    Egg hatching but one hatched early

    I have 10 eggs in my incubator... 3 hatched last night day 21, on day 22 and I can see pips in 2 more eggs... BUT my first egg hatched day 19 so hes going on almost 72 hours in the Incubator now. Should i risk taking him out or should i try to very quickly just put a SMALL amount of food and...
  5. LiizardWiitch

    Hens with chicks

    I cureently have 1 hen with 2 chicks and 2 hens with 2 chicks between the 2 of them. The 1 hen that is alone is doing a much better job with the chicks. Im debating taking the 2 from the 2 hens and giving it to the hen that has 2 chicks already. How would i go about breaking the broodiness of...
  6. LiizardWiitch

    Broody hen question

    I had 2 silkies sitting on 8 eggs between the 2 of them as they always wanted to be in the same nest together, now they have only successfully hatched 3 chicks, the other eggs were not fertile. Can they share the chicks and both become un broody or should i get 1 of them their own chicks? Thank you
  7. LiizardWiitch

    Free polish mix roo

    4 months old. Thought it was a hen until he crowed 2 days ago. Can meet in Concho, snowflake, Taylor, shumway, or showlow Arizona
  8. LiizardWiitch

    Hives on chick

    Haven't seen something like this before. I found a chick acting lethargic today and when I picked it up I noticed first that it's legs seemed swollen. Upon further inspection she has all these red bumps over her body. She definitely seemed distressed. None are leaking fluids. All are red in...
  9. LiizardWiitch

    Ready for outside?

    I have 20 silkie chicks that are quickly outgrowing the brooder I have inside. They are 3 weeks old. I have a big outdoor enclosure that is very secure. Has an indoor part and an outdoor run that's about half a foot taller than the outside ground. My question is if I provide them with a heat...
  10. LiizardWiitch

    Chick acting off

    I have a silkie chick that Is acting off. This has started in the last few days. She tries her very best to keep up with the rest of the chicks and she is moving around to eat and drink, scratching in the bedding etc. But I've noticed she cannot fully lift up her neck. I'm not sure if I'm...
  11. LiizardWiitch

    Rooster attacking broody hen

    Hey there I have a silkie rooster that is of unknown age. He has been fine until recently my silver wyndotte went broody and he's been going after her. Nothing too violent but chases her anytime he sees her acting broody She is the lowest ranked hen of the flock too. They can still be together...
  12. LiizardWiitch

    Frizzle sex

    Leaning towards roo but unsure. 7 weeks
  13. LiizardWiitch

    wrong feed bought

    Accidently brought home a breeder bag of gamebird feed that has about 2% calcium... meant to get the developer ... is this okay to feed my 3 - 4 month old mixed flock (gamebird and chicken chicks) for just this one bag or no? 50 lb bag
  14. LiizardWiitch


    I have some roos I need to rehome but this one I'm still not sure about. Leaning towards roo, but no crowing yet. Sibling of same age is crowing. Silkie/polish mix chick Chick that is confirmed roo and crowing that is same age/hatch batch.
  15. LiizardWiitch

    Silkie roo?

    Only about 8 weeks old ( i know its early to sex silkies) but there's no way this is a pullet right? I'm pretty confident it's a roo. Was sold these as "sexed from hatchery" was told by the lady, but being silkies that's obviously never guaranteed
  16. LiizardWiitch

    Silkie rooster red chest

    My silkie roosters chest looks irritated... not sure if it's just him pulling out his feathers for the nesting boxes? He is obsessed with his girls
  17. LiizardWiitch

    Ready for outside?

    I have 6, 3 week old silkie and silkie/polish mix chicks that have been outdoors for 12 hrs in the day already... Temps are 80ish during the day 45ish at night Can give them a heat lamp but would like to move them outside if they will be okay.
  18. LiizardWiitch

    Silkie sexing

    My silkies are nearing 7 weeks old... I know its *extremely* early to sex silkies, but I feel like some are looking rooster like Chick 1 no comb Chick 2 looks like it has big comb already Chick 3 no comb Chick 4 looks like comb is forming
  19. LiizardWiitch

    Wyandotte mix sex?

    I have a blue laced wyandotte mix to silver laced wyandotte and im really hoping this is a pullet? There has been no crowing. I belive this chick is around 9 weeks old.
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