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  1. PrincessTee

    Dual puropose chicken feed

    Hello there, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this if not please guide me to the correct thread. We have buff oprington chickens that we planned to use for dual purpose, eggs and meat we don't separate our birds. We Have about 8 hens and a rooster. I heard the rooster shouldn't...
  2. PrincessTee

    Swollen chick eye, new owner

    My chick's eye has been swollen and I'm sure they can't see out of it. He is slow moving around and just lays most of the time. We can get him to drink by putting his beak in the water but we haven't seen him eat much if at all. Is there a way we can get nutrition in this little guy? We've been...
  3. PrincessTee

    New to raising chicks

    Okay, so I'm completely new when it comes to raising chick's. I've done weeks of research etc but some things you just learn by doing. This leads me to ask, my chick's are about 3 days old and I can see their little feathers starting to come in. I noticed that multiple of them were almost I'm...
  4. PrincessTee

    Day old chick eye swollen

    I just received my chick's. I don't believe they are even a day old because of how early they arrived. Regardless one of my chick's keels falling slowly forward. I looked at them and their eye is swollen. It's hard to get a proper picture
  5. PrincessTee


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am completely new to chickens our first half dozen arrive August 18th (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 0 (3) What breeds do you have? we will have buff orpingtons (4) What are your favorite aspects of raising...
  6. PrincessTee

    New raising buff opringtons

    My family and I have ordered half a dozen buff orpingtons hoping to raise them for dual purpose. I have done hours of research but can't seem to find an answer to my question regarding feed. We would like our orpingtons to be layers but eventually use them at our dinner table. Are there any...
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